Has anybody seen this yet? I may go see it this holiday but would be interested to know if its any good.
i am goin to dload it later today as i seen the trailer's and it looks so funny and the music for the film also sounds good.
where can we download this online? :shock: heard from friends that its good, but parents wont let me go watch it in the cinema :shock:
I've watched it, its good. Mr. Bean and his usual silly antics and all. But I didn't really like the end, was too quick an ending.
Mr. Bean is sometimes funny... he's mostly retarded though and makes me want to bash my head into my keyboard. I probably won't see this
Another TV show I used to watch when I was little. I am hoping to go and see it later on in the week, the cinema will be too busy over Easter.
I used to watch the tv series when i was younger, that was usually pretty funny. I'll have to go check this one out and see if he's still got it for me.
watched it at the cinema over a week ago. One word.. Hilarious. If typical bean stuff cracks you up, you should go watch it.
I love bean! but don't like the animated series, just looks more convincing in reality, so i think im going to catch this one.
i already watch this using http://www.torrentz.com and i DL it. and works fine just the movie is like pirated becuz the camera is dark and like landslide going diagonal.