Well, barring all 'omg dont drink' comments, what are your opinions on drinking alone? Does it make you an alcoholic? Is it something that you shouldn't do? Is it only ok on the weekend? 8)
it doesn't make you an alcoholic as long as you can drink it without getting completely wasted, and can function without it.
lol @ alcohol. i over indulged a bit last night, and every time i say to myself "Next time I won't have as much" haha as if. but drinking on your own? Meep, its ok i guess. As long as the intention isn't to get bare faced wasted.
Personally I think It's perfectly acceptable. Sometimes you just need to chill out, and alc lets you do just that. If you're boozin' then stuff just seems to be a lot simpler.
Heh, drinking alone is good under any circumstance. Though, it's not as fun as with other people, but it's all good none the less. Alcohol wins.
I fully agree with you smelly, I always come in from work and crack open a few cans then off to be rather relaxed and still fully incontrol. Also there will be no choice if you are a smoker come june in the UK as there is a smoking ban in pubs and i doubt you will find me in a pub if i cant be avin a smaoke with my pint thats when they taste the best :lol:
I only drink to get drunk And thats only occasionally... Like... 4 times a year! lol But seriously... I think drinking by yourself is sad... No offense, But I mean from my point of view... Its just sensless
I think a few beers after work is ok but I also think for some people it's very dangerous territory to be going in to. If you already have the predisposition for alcoholism then it's far too easy to turn a few beers into a case of beer, or a bottle of liquor without seeing any difference yourself. Edit: And damn this thread, now I want a guinness.
Of course not. I used to play Halo 2 and I always had a couple of beers before. It made the game much more fun ^^ Besides, there's nothing wrong with having a whisky late night when you're having your coffee. And beer is just plain good. But of course, it's the quantity that decides how much one should drink, just as it is when you're not drinking alone. As long as you know your limits, it's perfectly okay =)
alcohol .so as drinking have many bad benefits and good benefits. it has maybe 10% Good Benfits and 90% BAd. and Im sorry i never ever drink .
Alcohol is a drug, and drinking with people is stupid enough, because God knows what they could convince you into doing with their mind all clustered. Alone, I think you're free from that dangers, but there's also nobody sober to talk you out of driving somewhere, or, as many of you don't or do know, alcohol is a depressant, and if you're sitting alone drinking, and things haven't been going to well, suicide seems a lot better drunk and alone. Therefore, I think it's bad.
When Im drunk Im not stupid enough to drive anywhere and neither are the people I hang out with. People use the excuse that the were drunk to try and cover alot of stuff ( driving, cheating ect.) and make them un responsible for their actions but I think thats bull. You can still know what your doing
drunk /drʌŋk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[druhngk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1. being in a temporary state in which one's physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drink; intoxicated: The wine made him drunk. You don't have control if you are drunk. You just think you do because, well, you're drunk.
For those of you who played World of Warcraft you know that dwarfy jokes : "I don't drink anymore but i don't drink any less either" "I don't have a drinking problem, i drink, i fall down, no problem!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It depends. If you are just having one or two whilst watching TV or reading a book or something then it is fine. But if you drink on your own to make yourself get drunk then there is something weird about that :S