my brother bought halo 2 the other day for some reason i was playing it its pretty cool game, even though i cant be in a dark room alone playing that game i get freaked out. but yeah whats so good about that game?? isnt it just like any other war game? i dont understand its fame
It is a bit like the halflife games though personally, I prefer them Halo was just popular because of the awesome graphics and the Xbox live capabilities in my opinion
halo 2 on xbox live is incredible... haha that's all I can really say. Just, the fact that you can communicate with other people worldwide, in an alien/human combat is just... ahha well alot better than originals like pacman an pong :lol:
Halo 2 is only the most awesome game ever created. it is very different than other games of the same genre, just play some split screen or xbox live games and youll see. also the campaign is pretty cool too, but its not as good as owning your friends in a good game of slayer.
Halo 2 is mainly a multiplayer online game. It's fantastic on Live due to big levels and a good variety of ways to play them. You also get to coordinate your attacks with your team mates through directly speaking to them. But the best part is when you pack a warthog full of team members, drive off a cliff and get booted from the game lol but its freaky, like the sound, your all alone and then all of a sudden an alien tries to kill you..that is on campaign mode ofcourse