the bible is not completely fact the ages and shapes of bones found support the theory of evolution, while the bible says god created humans in the beginning i believe a higher power had involvement in earth, but i believe in the big bang it is just too mysterious to come up with an answer
is it not possible the bible is completely fact we just are not percieving what is said right. I believe in creation but I think God used the big bang to carry it out. Micro evolution is a proven fact but I ahve yet to see anything that would convince me that macro evolution has ever taken place. There are many things which wouldn't work with just evolution, the eye, a mostly hairless body, sex and so on
there can be God and the big bang. they do not contradict. it says that God created the world in 7 days. it could have meant he created the dust to cause the big bang. people read the Bible way too literally.
Bit I agree, if you read how the Bible is written in Genesis it says: Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth, and the Earth was with out form and void. Gen. 1:5b And the evening and the morning were the first day. It doesn't mention the creating the heavens and the earth in vs 5, only the fact that light and darkness were seperated. It sounds like there is an undetermined amount of time here.
In the Bible the best I've seen is things not yet proven, there are myriads of things which have been documented as fact
god is a theory. most science is theory. there is no point in "debating" this because no one is going to change their minds over a forum, let alone a neopet forum. Then why do we do it? It is such a strange phenomenan that we feel compelled to make others believe what we do and even though we know that nothing is going to change the other's mind we continue. Ah the wonderful generation of internet geeks... its extraordinary. Neat article: ... enDocument
I believe that science has done a good job at proving many facts, so has the Bible. This is a debate forum, or a place where you make your arguments as much to show where you stand as cnvince others.
Human actions are not all that difficult to understand. We do everything, because of out instinctive desires to have sex, and out instinctive fear of death. These are only instincts, so although we are always thinking of them, and they are the basis of our thoughts they can be misinterpreted by the brain. These different interpretations creates smaller fears which build upon eachother creating a complex we know as our personality. Even the smallest actions have a reason. For instance debating on an internet forum is the reaction of trying to prove yourself to others. Even if you do this annonymously you are still trying to prove your mental self or your state of mind, and opinions. The desire to prove yourself to others derives from the instinctive desire to have sex. We have these desires, and fears most likely just to keep our species alive. Whether it may have came from evolution, or intelligent design it was probably not random that we developed the need to live, and keep ourselves alive. So, in short we do everything for basic reasons which are read differently by each of our own minds.
Not sure where you're going with this but it's nice to see someone else start being long winded. :wink:
the bible was made of gospels from 4 humans and a whole lot more... Science is based on theories from lots of humans... SO, wouldn't science be more reliable, and yet loads more people believe in God.
I DEFINITLY don't believe in God (absolutely no proof - How do we know the Bible was written by god? Where was god when the holocaust happened? When the african americans were taken as slaves? When Bush became president?), however, the big bang doesn't HAVE to be 100% right. I completely believe in some sort of variation of the Big bang though - eventual evolution, just like what is going on now.
Deffiantly God. And science has even proven several times that GOD DOES EXSIST. And also proves the bible is really real. Here we go. For just a starter, some need to look into the National Geographic film on where the Garden of Eden is, (Near southern iraq at the end of tigris and Euphrates) Also, Its been proven several times by several coltures that the Great Flood by Noah actually did exsist. But Noah wasn't the only person. The Japanese and other coulters have a similar story to go along with it. Making since of why all the animals in the world were collected. I'll continue on later brb.
this is false. there are some life forms at the bottom of the ocean that do not rely on oxygen from the water-- which at that depth is non-existent, anyway. they rely on the heat and nutrients from underwater sea vents to thrive and they don't need oxygen. =)