:0 Omg! Gwen Stefani Rules. No doubt was an amazing band and her solo albums have rocked! though she insists on bringing out 1 really bad slow song every album when she has another hit on it.
i can't STAND walk it out some say this is why i'm hot is annoying but at least the lyrics change walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out walk it out on your nerves yet? btw the song by Gwen is called WIND IT UP and it is the BEST SONG EVER!!!!!!!
Re: Ahh lol true. as long as shes making millions, the only reason why im hating her songs its cause it plays like 21031831 a day and its annoying
Re: Ahh i agree with both xD i just heard girlfriend the other day, and i was like wth is this :shock:
Candy Shop - 50Cent I really can't understand how people can hear that kind of song... Also Girlfriend -Avril Lavigne and fergielicious- Fergie (This music really makes me want puke...:roll
It is will be much easier for people to talk about their favorite song rather than LEAST favorite song here. different people like different songs.
That "This Is Why I'm Hot" song by MIMS. That song sucks! He repeats the same thing over and over for 3 minutes and people like that crap. WTF?!
The new Death Note theme song (I doubt people know it). They just scream and scream throughout the song, it's horrible like people get slaugthered or some sort. Anyway, it just ruin the anime....
yeah. i dont like those songs (i can't even barely call it a song) where the vocals just shout. hardcore rock or something. i hate those
i cant stand rap >< i love rock though, very rarely there will be a rap song i might like, but it gets rarer and rarer by the day
-_- I like fergielicious. I always try to beat her when she goes turbo speed. It's hysterical to watch her live though because the girl CAN'T sing! She did quite well when she sang with Charlotte Church though (UK) on her show.