Do you belive in god?If so why? belief in God is not an intellectual debate that you can win or lose so respect what others think
I don't belive in God, but I don't deny the possibility. Since the writer doesn't enters the stage until after the play, it would make sense that God hasn't showed himself to (most of) us yet. Although I do think the Teodicé problem outweighs this, and therefore I am not really drawn to any religion that bases on one God alone. edit; Good initative on making this thread btw edit #2; I also belive that Jesus existed, but only as a prophet like any other.
nope, plain and simple I like to consider myself scientific. And I need evidence. I have a very hard time in believeing in something I can't see. I do respect others for their religious beliefs though. I think it is a very necessary part of society. Without it many cultures would only be chaos and anarchy.
I think I should state what I think too right?Well I do believe in a supreme force (it doesn't matter if it is a man or not) that created the universe billions of years ago and that set all those physics laws... What I don't believe is the way that man has been interpreting the view of a god through all those years... BTW Did you guys read the news that said that scientists are thinking that the Universe may be finite? haha if so what do you think may exist at the end of it? maybe that is where god is LOL
one scientist and his idea...well i think since they cant even see planets 1million light years makes it obvious he has no idea what hes talking about since he has no proof :roll:
I believe that there was 'something' greater than humans because we cannot create something from nothing as is what must have happened. However, whether that thing is a God? I cannot say.
I've always said there are two things I don't like to talk about... politics and religion, because more times than not it leads to an argument. But from what I've seen, everyone on here seems to be pretty respectful and non-argumentative, so I'll give it a try. I believe there is a God, but I don't claim to be any one type of religion. It's all just really confusing to me. I feel that I'm not educated enough on any religion to really have an opinion.
I'm a catholic but I have recently thinking and I came up to a conclusion that it is human nature to have a supreme being. This has been true for the past people so I am doubting the existance now. I don't have a deffinant side in this though
One part of me believe in God and one part of me don't. I'm not saying I'm not faithful but everybody has their doubts towards God.
Its total crap. if god existed why does he let murderers walk around the streets and shoot people. Why does he let people who pray everynight and never put a foot wrong get cancer. why do evil people have a very healthty life. thats just the start, then the bible is total rubbish. Adam and eve, had 2 sons cain and whatever. 1 killed the other? who did he have sex with to make more people? eve? bit of a messed up story.
I don't believe in God, at least in the way that men see him, like cris said. I do believe that there's a supreme strength in the universe that surpasses our limits. About the " religious God ", I just think, and let me state my opinion, that religion took advantage of this phenom to make profit of it.
That's what I am talking about... Every since the first days of mankind wars have been fought in the name of god, horrible things have been done like it was a justification for people's acts...the church have been exploiting people claiming god wanted so...Humans really are shameful, they always were and they always will be... About that, replying you in a religious way.For catholics it's not like this is heaven....we're in a transition life and when the judgement day arrives the sinners will go to hell and the non sinners will go to heaven...but I think that's crap...hell is just something made up to control people in mass (the hell of people burning and suffering for the eternity)
I believe that we all have to believe in something. It is human nature. Atheists believe in Science. Theists believe in god. In my opinion i think that something had to have created the first piece of matter from which space and time came from (The Big Bang Theory). Whether this creator is God or not, I do not know. However I still believe that there is a supernatural power out there. Somewhere.
i agree with you. God may be the creater of everything, maybe hes the one who created ´science´he created everything but made it take care of itself, earth and all its wonders, humans animas etc...
I'm a Baptist, so yeah, I believe in God. And for what SoC said: The dictionary definition is So, in conclusion, without suffering, there would be no compassion.