:O Spiderman's awesome 8) I cant wait to go see it, but it wont be for a while yet as I am too busy at school D:
My friends and I are going to a midnight showing of this... We've had tickets for like two weeks now. Which I think is a bit ridiculous. But I guess necessary? Meh.
I'm going to watch the movie on thursday at 11pm... no school, no exams, so i think i'll enjoy it a lot xD btw Spiderman has always been my fav supervheroe, and this movie looks pretty cool. Can't wait 8)
On a side note but still on the superhero subject, why Batman counts as a superhero? Bruce Wayne's 'super power' is to have a huge bank account. So I've always wondered why he counts as a superhero :?
Nope, they are still schedueled for 3 more movies after this! I hope they bring carnage out. That would make me happy.
3 more!? Where did you find that out?? haha oh well, doesn't matter, I hope there are 3 more... the villans get better everytime!