Is the PSP able to play PS3 games? Because if so, then I would prefer the PSP. However, the DS can be really good fun competing with friends on the touch screen
the psp is the little black hand-held playstation, that you can upload music too, an play games such as need for speed, and many other great games. My votes for psp all the way!
Yeah I didnt think so either, so that means that PSPs will become obsolete soon The PSPs are still great due to the range of PS2 games still out though
psp's have they're own games, you can't play ps2 games or ps3 on them, ahah the disks are way to big, psp only plays the little blue ray discs. The psp is more than just a hand-held game machine, ahha it plays music, and allows you to watch dvds. Like spiderman, and all that jazz :lol:
Errr when did I ever say different??? All the PS2 titles are available to play on PSP, thats how it works...
Well they are, but they arn't. Like on Grand Theft Auto, for ps2 it's called san andreas, but on psp it's called Liberty City Stories. And for Need for Speed, on ps2 it's called Most Wanted, or carbon for ps3, but on psp it's called underground rivals... do you know what I mean?
PSP because of its capabilities. Homebrew allows you to play NES, SNES, SEGA, GBA, and more. The only downside to it is the lack of memory.
hmm let me think...I do prefer NDS games but PSP has more features and the games are not that bad either, so I'd say PSP all the way... Ok...well I'm really newbie at those things, but to use homebrew you need to downgrade your firmware to 1.5 right?
I think it's 1.5 to 2.8 now. Try searching it. It's not that hard to figure it out and you can put tons of games on it since the files were small back then. I gave my PSP to my bro so I don't know what's going on anymore with the updates and the homebrew community XD. I'm waiting for the PSP2 with the built in memory.
I think PSP is great, it has many functions including online, upload music and so on. I would like to have it but now, my father is planning to buy a NDS for my sister because she wants to play Pokemon....... :shock: She also begged my father to buy Wii also because Wii has Pokemon games :shock: Screw XBOX 360 and PSP for not having Pokemon games. If they have Pokemon games...then I will lure my sister and then.......hehehehe