Attack of the Slorgs Avatar/Trophy Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by onprogus, May 20, 2007.

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  1. onprogus

    onprogus Level IV

    Apr 11, 2007
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    Attack of the Slorgs Avatar/Trophy Guide

    Following what I believe to be the success of my Meerca Chase 2 Guide, I decided to write one on Attack of the Slorgs, this guide is not just intended to get you the avatar, but also the trophy because quite frankly I make it so easy.

    After reading this guide, you will know how it is possible to get roughly 1000 points on the first level alone! (See Fig 1.1)

    Vital Game Information

    The aim of this game is to save the yurble farmer’s hard grown vegetables from the ravenous ranks of slorgs that are appearing out of nowhere with the sole intention of eating everything in their path.
    Your weapon is the Slorgeriser X4, this little beauty fires Slorg-B-Gone at the massing ranks. If you miss, as I will mention in a few lines, the Slorg-B-Gone turns into another slorg.
    For some reason when two or more slorgs are hit with the same coloured ball of Slorg-B-Gone from your Slorgeriser X4, all of the slorgs of that colour vanish.
    For example, if you have a combination of slorgs that go, green, brown, brown, brown, brown, blue, blue. You could wipe out the 4 brown slorgs with a well aimed ball of Slorg-B-Gone. If you missed and hit the middle of the blue slorgs nothing would happen except the a new slorg would be created making the order of the final 3 slorgs change to blue, brown, blue.

    If you have not played the game before, I recommend you go and familiarise yourselves with it and the controls before reading on with this guide.
    I will be assuming you have a basic knowledge of the game.

    It is entirely possible to score highly by simply playing through each level and taking it as it comes, but I am willing to bet that whilst you think it is easy to complete now, when the later levels come and the slorgs start sliming their way to the crops super fast, and then the laser that guides your Slorgeriser X4 vanishes, then you will struggle.
    So how are you to do it? It is very hard to fire fast and with deadly accuracy when you are under pressure so we shall have to eliminate both of these variables. Heres how:

    In-Game Help

    Obviously the neopets team did not want to make this game absolutely impossible for you, so there are some built in tricks to help you out.
    Sometimes words will flash up on screen. These are mainly referring to the type of Slorg-B-Gone you are currently using. Most of the time, nothing will happen because you are using ordinary Slorg-B-Gone but occasionally…
    When a ball of green Slorg-B-Gone is selected, it may say ‘Slowdown’. If you hit the ranks of slorgs with this, they will travel to the vegetables slower.
    When a ball of blue Slorg-B-Gone is selected, it may say ‘Slorg Block’. This is the most useful type in the game as I will come onto explain later on.
    When a ball of brown Slorg-B-Gone is selected, it may say ‘Super Slorgeriser’. This will destroy the slorgs closest to it, regardless of colour when fired into their ranks.
    When a ball of red Slorg-B-Gone is selected, it may say ‘Multislorg’. This is bad! Do not fire it at the slorgs or a stream of around 5 or 6 of them will be created!
    When a ball of pink Slorg-B-Gone is selected, it may say ‘Slorg Destruct’. This is truly awesome, wherever it hits the line of slorgs, it will destroy all the of the ones behind it. i.e. if there are 50 slorgs on screen and you hit the first one, the 49 behind it will be killed.
    When a ball of grey Slorg-B-Gone is selected, it may say ‘Puddlewater’. This is really cool! When you hit the slorgs, all of them change the same (random) colour so then it only takes one more slorg of that colour fired at them to destroy them all.

    Tricks for the Trophy

    The first trick I will mention is mainly for those people who are quite comfortable playing the game, they just feel they need one more life. Well! Your wish is my command! Simply type in ‘marrow’ on any in-game screen to get an extra life!

    Secondly, and this will be an unbelievable help to many of you, say for example…
    Right so you’ve been moving through the levels quite comfortably but now you get to say… level 6? And you start to panic. Those slorgs are moving incredibly fast and there is only a short distance for them to travel. Try as you might you cannot repel them, and you lose on that level, trophy-less.
    What’s worse than that eh? I’ll tell you. Ok, so you’re over half way through level 6 and suddenly you get the dreaded ‘Laser Failure’ message! What do you do?? You quickly fire off as many Slorg-B-Gone as fast as possible trying to push yourself up to next level.
    This tactic, however, will not work. In order for you to succeed there is a little known trick you can use.
    By typing in ‘chargex4’ you can in fact restore your laser to full working condition, and you know the other thing? You can use it as many times as you like, on whatever level you like!!
    I suddenly get the impression that this game will be a heck of a lot easier for you guys!

    So then that’s all very well you are thinking, but how is it possible to get around 1000 points from the first level alone!?
    Well to be honest, this method does involve a bit of luck but it is incredibly easy and you can use it on every level to get well over 6000 points by level 5!

    Basically, all you have to do is aim the laser off screen and fire until you come across a ball of blue Slorg-B-Gone that has the power of ‘Slorg Block’. Once you find this ball simply fire it at the very first slorg that’s moving towards the vegetables. This then blocks all but the very first slorg.
    Next, take the laser and aim it just below the pipe where the slorgs originate from at the top left of the screen, make sure that if you fire, you wont actually hit the slorgs. (See Fig 1.2) For those of you that may have guessed, yes, this is the point at which the Crazy Frog appears.
    The crazy frog gives you 25 points each time you hit him and there is no limit to how many times he pops up on any level.(See Fig 1.3)
    With the set-up that I explained above, you are now able to hold down the space bar, firing enough shots so that when the crazy frog does appear you will hit him 5 times and gain 100 points!
    You must remember though, not to let that single slorg that is still heading for the vegetables not to get too close. When he does, kill him and repeat the process to find another Slorg Block, if there is no slorg travelling around the screen the game will penalise you for time wasting.

    And that is all there is to it!

    A Quick Summary

    :arrow: Type in ‘marrow’ for an extra life during the game.

    :arrow: Type in ‘chargex4’ when you see the message warning you of a laser failure.

    :arrow: Block the slorgs, aim for the crazy frog and hold down space bar. Repeat until too many slorgs appear on the screen and you need to kill them to proceed to the next level.

    Good Luck getting the avatar AND the trophy! (Although I’m sure you wont need it!)

    Fig 1.1
    Fig 1.2
    Fig 1.3

    Obviously if you have any comments/questions, feel free to post them :)
  2. goncalo

    goncalo Level IV

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Banned From Heaven
    OMGz this and the crazy frog technique is uber awesome.
    I wonder if the people in the high scores table use it.
    Anyways, +rep for the awesome guide!
  3. p4nd3m0n1um

    p4nd3m0n1um Level III

    May 19, 2007
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    Thnx for the guide. I'm gonna test it out later.
  4. tuvieja

    tuvieja Level II

    Feb 27, 2007
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    just awesome, i'm gonna try this so i can get that avatar x_________x
  5. dragonballfan

    dragonballfan Level III

    Mar 15, 2007
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    great guide.
  6. onprogus

    onprogus Level IV

    Apr 11, 2007
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    Thanks Guys :D

    Good luck getting the avatar!
  7. pandahorde

    pandahorde Level IV

    Dec 17, 2006
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    nice guide.. it helps to other.. +REP!!!!
  8. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
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    nice guide =) The tips for the frog is good for a trophy =D i'll try it on the first june =)
  9. onprogus

    onprogus Level IV

    Apr 11, 2007
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    You can get 1000 points on the first level! You dont even have to wait til the first of the month! :p

    Regardless, good luck! :D

    EDIT: Yay! Thanks for the +reps, guys :D I now have over 100 rep points :D
  10. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
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    so i'll try it now =D
  11. nazze

    nazze Level I

    May 10, 2007
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    wow, freaking awesome guide, just got the avatar and the trophy will be cake. +rep for joo.
  12. Saito

    Saito Newbie

    May 31, 2007
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    thanks, nice guide!
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