Alright I will do a more detailed description of my semi-legit rsing in opera: First, I open up 10-12 tabs in my favorite shops / shops that restock often. Occasionally I will leave one tab up in Royal Potionery just in case something big happens, whatever. Something else that I do is much was stated in tne original guide, I use the minus (-) key THREE times. The sidebar should be exactly one setting more than if it would be the size of the window. Using the top number set (where its 1 2 3 etc all in one line) i hold my pinky on 2 and my pointer on F5. What many people don't know is that the 2 key is a bind to switch between tabs. I will use my pointer to press F5, then my pinky to press 2 and cycle through all my tabs. This allows me to refresh all 12 shops in under one and half seconds. After I cycle through refreshing, then I cycle through once more, slower, looking to see if any of my shops have restocked. It's also important to keep your more profitable shops first and then have the other shops later in the tabs, because you will not miss a restock in a profitable shop this way. Up to this point, it has all be legit. So if you would like to not risk being iced, then you can do what I have detailed up top and still be a pretty leet restocker. What I do that brings me up to the top is I disable my javascript. This is illegal, but I have been doing it for a year now and haven't gotten caught. What this allows me to do is never remove my hand from the number line up top, which lets me keep a sense of presence, like, where my fingers are on the numbers. This way I can concentrate on the screen and finding that neopet and clicking it so I can literally get my haggles done in under 1 second. I keep this up for no more than 15 minutes at a time. If I do it for longer than a 15 minute spurt, I will be banned. My recommendation is to restock for 15, then rest for 2-5. talk online. Log back in on firefox with java enabled and price your items that you restocked. I hope to have helped Good luck