Parents and Myspace

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Pepsi_kikola, Jun 1, 2007.

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  1. Pepsi_kikola

    Pepsi_kikola Newbie

    May 31, 2007
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    Do you think myspace is a really bad thing, I mean it's not really the kids who are making a big deal out of it. And don't you agree that 75% of parents wouldn't even know what myspace was if it wasn't for the media.
    And how many teens who you know are dumb enough to go meet some dude after talking to him 2 days over the internet? If you do that then you deserve to be raped. And i mean there are so many things that are not bad about myspace and the safet percausions parents can take. It pisses me off!

    It's almost like the only reasons my parents een care is because the next door neighbor wont let her son have a myspace. I had mine for 2 years with over 1k friends and I'm suppose to delete it?! Yeah right.

    If parents really cared they would make there own myspace and monitor what there kids do. It's not like we model porn on there! :evil:
  2. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    very good post, i see how your saying things but theres a LOT of people who lack common sense, lots of people who will meet someone just because they say who they are. tbh parents should of brought there kids up better than to know to meet people from online.

    only thing i disagree with is "you deserve to get raped" thats very harsh, no girl/boy ever deserves that no matter what. I see your angry but thats a bit harsh and a bit over the line, ok their stupid for meeting someone but they probably thought a bit of small harmless fun.

    edit: im still in favour of myspace, myspace rawks :D Hehe
  3. ali913xx

    ali913xx Level III

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Miami, FL
    I think the 1000 friends may be what has parents upset. I mean you cannot possibly know 1000 people, and your meeting people on the internet worries them. While you may have enough common sense to never fully trust the 900 friends you've never met, your parents will still be overprotective of you because sometimes things do happen that you can't control or stop. IT would be foolish to think that your completely safe on myspace just because YOU are being smart. That being said out of the millions of people who use myspace, I think it's safe to bet no harm will come to you or I. However your parents don't want to take that bet, they want to be sure.

    And nobody 'deserves' to be raped. That was an extremely naive comment, and I take offense to that because my friend was raped and it's not something you should ever just toss around lightly.
  4. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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    wow 1000 friends... Were they all people you actually knew in real life...

    If not then that IS why your parents are scared.

    If I was a parent I would be freaked out about my kids talking to random strangers on the net. LOL But I would also create my own secret myspace to spy on them.

    But there are alot of stupid people out there that give something made to be good.. a bad image. There are always the people who ruin everything.

    Cops monitor myspace.

    I don't really pitty the stuid people either though. They get themselves into those situations.

    It's like the women who go out wearing a super short mini skirt and half a shirt and then complain because some guy is checking them out.


    Same thing on myspace. If you just deny the people you don't know or set your profile to private you can avoid any wierdos.

    I can understand why parents can be upset... but I don't think they should make you get rid of it. Mabey they can just talk with you and make sure you know the hazards of the internet and how to be safe.

    And mabey you can encourage them to make their own myspace and add them to your top 8 to make them feel special. lol. And they can add you and discover how many people they know are on myspace.
  5. NoPoint

    NoPoint Level III

    May 24, 2007
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    Somewhere on the Planet.
    I was thinking the same thing, how exactly do you 'know' a thousand people? Do you talk to all 1000? I really don't see how you can. These days it is very easy to make a mistake without realising it.

    And to be honest you are going to upset everyone with that 'deserves to be raped' comment. That is one of the most stupid things that I have heard someone say or write! You cannot imagine the aftermath after having been raped. It is not something that goes away, it stays with you forever. The mental agony is terrible and it affects all the things that you do afterwards, even leaving the house can be terrifying. It is something that haunts you until the end of your days. You may lean to live with it as many people have, but it still remains with you.
  6. Pepsi_kikola

    Pepsi_kikola Newbie

    May 31, 2007
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    I actually know my 100 friends, everysingle one, Like I know them i real life, school friends, preschool friends, people from my past that I search and regain a relationship with, that also brings out a good point, myspace can help you find people you have not seen in YEARS
  7. Tofurky

    Tofurky Level IV

    Apr 3, 2007
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    New Jersey
    Yep. I agree. It's obvious you don't know 1000 people. A handful could be fake. If I was your parent, I'd I be freaked too.

    And if you really have that much trouble w/ deleting your MySpace, you're probably obsessed :shock:
  8. Pepsi_kikola

    Pepsi_kikola Newbie

    May 31, 2007
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    Yes I actally am obsessed, since my cell phone was disconnected it is my only way to contact my friends, and i Know every one of my friends. Hell, in fact my parents know everyone of my friends! My grandmother has a myspace and she is 67 :O
  9. ali913xx

    ali913xx Level III

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Miami, FL
    That is true, I'm not saying myspace is evil. I myself had a myspace for two years until I outgrew it. And it definitely got me in touch with some old friends I hadn't seen in years.
  10. Smelly

    Smelly Level IV

    Dec 1, 2006
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    No-one deserves that.
  11. Billy

    Billy Level IV

    Feb 21, 2007
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    I hate myspace its weird and i dont get the point, i make friends the old fashion way thank you. also, the rape comment was very unnecessary and rude, nobody deserves anything like that no matter what.
  12. p4nd3m0n1um

    p4nd3m0n1um Level III

    May 19, 2007
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    Yeah...I don't have a myspace or any of those others...but most of my friends have a myspace...and let me say I gotta agree with the parents. Giving out personal information over the internet to meet people is not a good idea...
  13. quark778

    quark778 Level II

    May 29, 2007
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    Isn't it mostly guys that want to pick up chicks that want to meet people from MySpace? I know lots of guys that have tried to ask me to come out and meet them. I've met a couple but only the ones who know my real life friends and my friend who knew them came along with me. I would never meet a total stranger like that. Also I never talk to people that don't have at least a few pictures.
  14. kayla_of_nosgoth

    kayla_of_nosgoth Level II

    Apr 29, 2007
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    well no i dont beleive the kids are making it bad (only the ignorant ones) friends online can be dangerous becasue they earn your trust and then they lure you to meet them somewhere and kill you (or the other)

    i trust this site but you dont go around meetting people off the net, but it seems the predators and the ignorant ones are ruining it for the rest of the people who have some gd common sense on myspace or anyother site like it
  15. goncalo

    goncalo Level IV

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Banned From Heaven
    I agree with you, making friends the old fashion way is much safer/amusing/less boring.
  16. Gorogon

    Gorogon Newbie

    May 24, 2007
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    I think that it's up to the individual if they wanna do myspace or not. If you are actually stupid enough to meet in person than your bound to do something even more stupid in the future...

    I don't do myspace, but that's just me.
  17. petunia

    petunia Level II

    Apr 15, 2007
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    Texas, US
    I think it's important to understand why some parents won't let their kids use Myspace. I seriously doubt that they are doing it just to piss off their kids. As a matter of fact, that is probably the last thing they want to do. It is a parental instinct to want to protect your children as much as you possibly can.

    I can see the potential danger in letting kids have a Myspace. If you have a public profile, then obviously whatever info you put up is there for anyone to see, and as we all know, there are some pretty twisted individuals lurking around out there.

    If I were a parent of a teenager, I'd definitely monitor his/her internet usage very closely. I would probably allow him/her to have a Myspace, but only under the condition that their profile was set to private. Also, I'd probably check up on it every once in a while.

    It is easy to get annoyed with your parents when you're young and they won't let you do certain things, but as you get older, you start to understand why your parents did some of the things they did, and you realize it's only because they care for you and your safety.

    Myspace in itself, isn't a bad thing. It can actually be a good thing. Like someone said in an earlier post, it can help you find old friends, make new ones, etc. It all depends on how you go about using it. You have to be smart and aware, and sometimes parents need to step in and monitor what their kids are doing online.

    Oh, and you really should think about what you're going to say before you say it. The comment you made about people deserving to be raped, was obnoxious and offensive. No one deserves to be raped.
  18. quark778

    quark778 Level II

    May 29, 2007
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    Well I can see why parents would want to monitor their teen's online activity but I don't think the solution is to just watch them and make sure they're not doing anything wrong. I think it's best if the parents can actually teach them to be smart and have fun but don't over do it or don't be too naive and trusting. I mean what parent can watch over their kids 24/7?
    chikorita_S likes this.
  19. noncheatercheater

    Jun 3, 2007
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    I think MySpace is a dangerous place if you aren't careful. I'm 21 and I've been using the web enough to develope some smarts, but some children on there, yes, they are children, haven't learn that yet. Until a child has experienced a traumatising event, they'll never really know how dangerous myspace is.

    I came across a profile that said she was 16 years old and on her survey it said she was 14. I reported her. 15 and under have private profiles for a reason.

    Parents can easily make a myspace account but who's to say that their kids won't make a second one and pretend the one the parents added is their only one?

    The only thing a parent can do is teach their kids and cross their fingers.
  20. oford

    oford Level I

    May 31, 2007
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    i just think kids under 16 shouldn't even be using internet ..unless there are parental control for 18+ sites or chatroom.
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