Potential pyramid scam type program...

Discussion in 'Neopets Program Discussion' started by dwaynedetubb, Jun 12, 2007.

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  1. dwaynedetubb

    dwaynedetubb Newbie

    Jun 12, 2007
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    There are plenty of hungry newbies on neopets trying to learn how to restock

    Let's start a guild to help them out.

    Using a moneytree grabber type program to grab usernames and neomail them, we can easily advertise the guild to neopia.

    Here's how the guild works.

    We teach newbies how to restock the shops manually. (could be book shop, or something out of the way)

    We publish a list of items that we will buy from the newbies AT A SET PRICE. (Set price is below shop wiz)

    Trades and such are set up so that the newbies are paid for their goods, and we get the products.

    We then turn around and resell the products AT shop wiz retail value.

    Basically the program does this:

    Collect names from the money tree for advertising.
    Use those names to send neomails about the guild.
    Automatically send guild invites to those who reply/receive neomails.
    Have members of the guild post products they have for sale
    The program then reads the product name, goes to the shop wiz, takes off 10%, then sets that as the price that it'll buy from the newbie.
    Newbie agrees, then sets up trade.
    Program trades with newbie, then turns around and resells the product at shop wiz prices.

    Assuming that every product we buy from a newbie profits us 300NP, and newbies trade us the products in lots of 10, that's 3,000NP per newbie.

    Assuming there are three trades per day per newbie, that's 9,000NP profit from a newbie.

    Assume we can get 500 newbies to do this for us...and each sells to us 30 items per day, that's 15,000 items per day. and at 300NP profit per item, that's 4.5MILLION NP per day all from a bunch of newbies who restock for us.

    It's better than an autobuyer because newbies are the ones doing the restocking for us and all we do is get the product at a discount.

    How does that sound?
  2. dragonballfan

    dragonballfan Level III

    Mar 15, 2007
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    well no#1 just make one topic for all of your idea's no#2 it's not right to take np from noobs how would you like it if when you just joined someone tricked you? you would not like it at all. if you want to trick someone do it to tnt.
  3. mckrazy

    mckrazy Level III

    Jan 24, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    first off we dont scam here, and secondly, stop posting this everywhere, i know you want programs but at least post something different everytime....
  4. onprogus

    onprogus Level IV

    Apr 11, 2007
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    Do you have any idea about how unfeasable that is??

    1) you have to find all those newbies and I sometimes donate to the money tree and I am no newbie!
    2) We have to teach them how to restock!
    3) We have to assume they do not know how to use the Shop Wizard!

    Crazy idea...
  5. dwaynedetubb

    dwaynedetubb Newbie

    Jun 12, 2007
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    1) The neomail grabbing thing certainly will help. If necessary, put in a filter which checks the profile page for the month shield thingee.

    2) Video tutorials are all that are necessary, who said we had to teach them 1 on 1?

    3) It isn't about getting a good price, it's about getting a fast profit. The main issue I have with the restock and shop wizard is that the profit margins are incredibly low. Autobuyers are certainly one way to solve that problem, but they also are pretty easy to catch and furthermore freeze/chain-freeze the owner.

    The main benefit to what I have intended is merely to develop a human system which acquires the products for us.

    There are two ways to make a lot of money on neopets.

    1) Buy few high profit items
    2) Buy a lot of low profit items.

    The problem with #1 is that everybody else in neopia is trying to acquire those items and as any economics student will tell you, the reason why the price is high is because supply can't meed demand. Autobuyers are marginally good when it comes to doing something like this, but remember that most other people are using autobuyers as well. Furthermore, there are plenty of private autobuyers which from what I gather, can be far superior to any existing public autobuyer that we can find here on neofriends.net or similar cheating sites. The only real way to solve that problem is to simply get a faster ab. Not likely to happen anytime soon.

    The problem with #2 is that it is more time consuming. Assuming maybe 500NP profit per item, you'd need to personally restock roughly 10000 items in order to match the revenues generated by people following option #1. Some autobuyers I have used in the past like Fabricate and Atmos (really long time ago) accomplished this deal nicely. However, they have since been removed and thus I needed another way to make money for myself on neopets.

    I pondered the problem in my macro and micro economics classes and it dawned on me that instead of trying to do everything myself, to instead recruit as many people to do it for me. It's similar to the concept, economies of scale. Basically doing everything en masse. Running multiple autobuyers wouldn't exactly work because they all still had to go through one internet connection. So, I wondered how I'd get multiple internet connections going to the same store to restock. It hit me: OTHER PEOPLE.

    The problem was that these people most likely would not be interested in the ready-market plan that I have primarily because they aren't a ready market.
  6. Mikaz

    Mikaz Level II

    Jun 3, 2007
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    How the hell would you get 500 newbies to get to 'work' for you voluntary?

    Neopets is not a business, its just a game. You have to deal with little children which are not likely to do what you say. Probably, when the newbies spend some time on neopets they will find out about your nasty tricks and stop working.
  7. dwaynedetubb

    dwaynedetubb Newbie

    Jun 12, 2007
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    1) Greed is a pretty powerful emotion. The success of this operation depends greatly on a person's greed. If you scan the newbie boards once in awhile, you'll see a couple people begging around for goods. Same applies to just about every board for that matter.

    Depends on how this is arranged. I have not the final details yet, but basically a nice money-making commission-based program based on how many people you recruit, and how well they restock.

    Example: Joe, Mike, Lisa, Ryan, David.

    Joe starts the whole operation and recruits Mike and Lisa to restock for him.

    Joe buys the products from Mike and Lisa at a price that he sets and Mike and Lisa agree to.

    Lisa and Mike then go out and recuit their own members, Mike gets Ryan, and Lisa gets David. Ryan and David then sell certain items to Lisa and Mike at prices that THEY set for Ryan and David. Lisa and Mike then turn around and sell the item to me at the price that I set for THEM.

    Granted, given the incredibly small margins involved in the particular market I have in mind, I couldn't possibly fathom a profitable set at around tier 4 (the level below Ryan and David)

    As for getting 500 newbies to work...I admit it may be a challenge. But depending on their greed, they will come. I doubt that they will be flooding into the system. I don't expect to recruit all 500 in a day. Maybe moreso over the course of 2-3 months.

    As for your "nasty tricks" comment. What makes this nastier than autobuying? or money-tree-grabbing?

    In the eyes of TNT, this is acually more or less a service. There are no cheating programs, little kids stay on their website more so that they can make more money through a reliable and otherwise effective system, and neopets makes more money from the sponsor ads.

    As for the other cheating programs out there, we all know that TNT clearly hates them, and has put many measures forth to eradicate them from the system. This whole scheme of mine is more or less a new approach toward beating the Neopian system.

    YES I admit it's crude.
    YES I admit it takes advantage of people.

    BUT Neopets seems more than willing to accept such a system. Because by the rules they published, this sceme is definitely legit.

    Sure I'm picking on a bunch of newbies, sure they'll figure out the system in due time. And when they do, it's time to drop them or otherwise promote them within the system. Again, depending on their greed and naivety.

    Also, as for the age part, copying a number is easy, clicking links is easy. I figure that kids in the "money" stage of their life will want to get as much money to themselves without realizing that other people have that dream too.

    The target age demographic would prolly be from about 8 years to 12 years old. If I were to target older, they would start trying to pull apart this sceme in the name of greed. The reasoning being "if he won't let me do it, then I won't let him do it".

    True Neopets isn't so much a business, but definitely a strong economy, and an excellent platform to teach basic standard economics.

    And just curious...Why do we even have autobuyers? Greed of course!!!

    Why do we use cheating programs? To GET AHEAD.

    frankly, this scheme is simply a new twist on an existing concept.
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