Looking for a perl programmer to create a neopets autobuying program for me. Private message me for details but essentially it is to be: *Very basic in design *Maintain some biometric aspects (ie. varied waits) *Basic GUI, not command line based (I am aware a GUI in Perl is difficult, but It is still required) *Similar in speed or even faster then the Blade/Superautobuyer. This includes OCR processing and the like. *Logging of all activity Those are the main and probably only things I need in it. Private message me if you are interested and a price will be discussed along with some terms. *Payment can be in either USD via Paypal OR Neopoints. It's up to you* ~Smirnoff
omgcat I am fairly certain you cannot perl program. I will tell the price to any interested programmer.
What if I find a person who can program in perl, I know a couple XD I also know a couple of people who can program in java, friend of mine has made a couple AB'ers in java.. And a Score sender in perl.. EDIT: Friend said he would make a aber in Java..
why perl? there are other easier to code and faster to run languages. If youre sure you want perl, i can try to learn it, but it would be like a month before i would even think of making an aber
perl is not as fast as c++ or c# and java is supposed to be very fast, but i still think perl isnt the best language to make it in
Yeah, but Smirnoff wants perl, maybe so he can see the source? Also, I have a aber in Java.. Lol. They are hella fast, 50 - 80 ms buys.
I smell bullshit. The autobuyer is limited in speed by the connection it is based upon. It can only go so quickly, due to the fact of the information sending which is required. I have found a programmer, this thread can be closed.