I, unknown2, did not write this guide, merely found it on google in search for an acronym i didn't know. I posted it here to keep us all up to date Selling; TP = Trading Post (Cheapest on TP price) MP = My Price HTS = Hard to Sell ETS = Easy to Sell HB = Haggle Back NTY = No thank you TY = Thank You Offer = Offer on the trade Lowest = The lowest that the seller of the item will go Highest = The highest the buyer will pay Firm = Won't pay any more NPS UB = Unbuyable Kadoatery Feeding; HN = Had nothing CF = Congrats feeders SDB = Safety Deposit Box SW = Shop Wizard Main = Main Kad Restock Mini = Mini Kad Restock UB = Unbuyable Stocked RF = Refresh :0? = The time that kads will restock GLF! = Good Luck Feeding! Restocking; Grats = Congrats to the person that got the item GJ = Good Job NH = No Haggle GH = Got Haggle Missed = Missed the restock RF = Refresh GLF! = Good Luck Feeding! Battledome; Gbomb = Ghostkerbomb Gshield = Ghostkershield Gsword = Ghostkersword RSB = Ramtors Spellbook SoA = Sword of Apocalypse GoC = Golden Compass ICG = Icy Chia Goggles BGC = Bony Grarrl Club Pkiln = Portable Kiln HP = Honey Potion SoS = Sword of Skarsdan Ppot = Prickly Potion Spot = Scroll Potion H4k = H4000 Helmet BOD = Bow of Destiny WoR = Wand of Realty TTear = Thyoras Tear MoC = Mask of Coltzan FWoC = Frozen Wand of Crystals PCC = Pirate Captains Cutlass Ftab = Faerie Tabard GFD = Glittery Faerie Dust PSS = Purple Scorchstone ELL = Entangling Lenny Lasso Sgel = Sloth Approved Hair Gel RoTL = Ring of the Lost D! = Downsize! RoR = Ring of Revenge VSW = Vile Swamp Water SC = Scuzzys Comb DMB = Dusty Magic Broom Freeze = An item that freezes your pet No Perm = No permanent effects like slorg flakes Random; FTW! = For the win! LOL = laugh out loud (you know the rofls and the lmaos, no need to list) Spammer = Spams alot on a board. ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing LMAO = Laugh My ass off STFU = Shut the F up SRY = Sorry SOZ = Sorry NP: Neopoints Neo: Neopets PB: Paintbrush PPPB: Petpet Paintbrush TNT: The Neopets Team Turmy: Turmaculas HT: Hidden Tower HT Item(s): Hidden Tower item(s) MP: Morphing Potion TP: Transmogrification Potion Avatars; FQD = Faerie Queen Doll CS = Clawed Shield MSPP = Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG) AFC = Air Faerie Crown ZDAP = Zafara Double Agent Plushie Av(s) = Avatar(s) Avie(s) = Avatar(s)
Wow I wish you posted this sooner I always asked my cuzin for what alot of things met. Good job though + rep
This is superb. I have been wondering for ages what some of those were. So thank you very much. Tis much appreciated by lots of people. Maybe this could be made into a sticky? Then we could update it as needed.
add Please add LEV for lead elemental vial and TTYL = talk to you later and collat =collateral, thanks though, nice guide 8)
Ha now i will understand people when i go into the BD chat room i was always like what does that mean.
wow i didnt know there were so much of them thanks now i wont be confused when they trow one of those acronyms at me!
Very nice list. Although you might wanna add OBO= or best offer. That's all that I know and don't see there!