Somebody needs to figure out a/the formula for ultimate bullseye... it must be something to do with the ammount of power, angle of the arrow, height and distance of the board... Any good mathamatitions around? If we had a formula it would make programing a script easy. I'm gunna try my best to figure something out... Although it would have to be a miracle for me to find anything
xD I've been waiting for someone to reply to this topic for days... And that's what you come up with?
well if you type catapult to get a free powerup, if you have fire ring, if you hit the 5 you get a power up, if you hit the bullseye you get 2 I think. Bob gives you a power up if you hit the apple and if you get closer it's easy to hit the bullseye. 2nd Post: and the big bullseye is really easy to hit. Do not double post. Use the 'edit' button instead. ~L_scoprio
I go for straight since up and down don'tever hit bullseye. 2nd Post: bye I'm going to watch a movie Do not spam ~billy Plus do not double post. ¬¬ ~L_scorpio
someone was making a script a while ago... nothing ever came of i think it would be possible though
Hmm.. I can't find anything on google... could you PM me a link please? edit.. Argsorry, just found the link =S And for all who want it, lookup "Ultimate Bullseye", program on google
Inside the swf you can see the formulas on how the shots are calculated; you'd first have to determine the location of the bullseye every turn and then you would have to calculate angle and power to reach that.