For the people who don't want to get frozen by abing, yet don't want to spend their time refreshing and staring at shops. It could play somekind of sound to notify you and it would refresh randomly between the times you set =)
A program would still have to refresh, because the restocking times are so random in shops these days.
It would have to refresh, which is a downside; but like most abers wouldn't it be possible to make it refresh randomly between set times? That way it would look more human, and there's a much less chance of getting frozen as items won't be getting bought in like 0.2 seconds xD It's just a though, personally I'd love to have an alerter that way I can still do some legit rsing, but be lazy at the same time
Twould be quite you would miss the ubs in the half second you hear the alert to an ab'er or a legit restocker anyways. There are already programs like this around.