In Rollercoaster Tycoon, I use to make little ponds places, and drop people in them-- && of course, they drowned. -shakes head- Crazy possibilities in those games.
.. "In Rollercoaster Tycoon, I use to make little ponds places, and drop people in them-- && of course, they drowned. -shakes head- Crazy possibilities in those games." I did that too!!!! it was so fun!! hahaha
I have The Sims 2 on my pc now.. with expansions too ^^ Here, I can have my own business and a mansion house ^^
Never heard of sims tower but I have the sims complete collection and the sims 2 with the expansion packs. I like how many options you are given in the sims 2 but they do take forever in the loading screen for making a family, choosing house, etc. I will start back playing when I get a faster labtop but I've been trying singles 2 and I just don't get the point of it but it is faster.
yes,they do >.< so annoying...and I have all the expansions packs too, what makes it even more frustrating but I totaly <3 this game
Haha do you have that crazy like Sim Dating one? The things they came up with that game! It was neverending.
I love the sim's, and making my own items and using others(thesimsresource) I have a house on there that is mainly the death house, every type of death happened in that house, Ghost Central ooohhh spooky
The last time I played I created a serial killer family... lots and lots of gravestones in that lawn. Probably says something about me.
yea it is a fun game but only if it didnt have cheats and you could go play online and have a family with someone else haha that would be the ultimate sim
I actually just uninstalled The Sims 2 and all expansions yesterday. I love the game but they take up so much space it's almost not even worth it. I remember buying the original The Sims and all expansions for $25.00 you can get the entire set for about $20.00
haha, that'd be hysterical. meeting up online every day to live out your little sim family... it's like the lazy man's way out of life.