A person spotted a 7 month old baby at the back of the car and the windows were up. The baby was sweating. The person got a few nurses to help break open the window an get the baby out. They tried all that they could do ( news did not imply if the baby was alive or dead ). A expert said that the heat inside the car was 140 degrees. The parents are in the medical field , the father's I can't remeber and the mother is a pedetrician ( excuse spelling). They were debating on who would take the child to a said location. They were not charged with anything. Where it happened ( must look it up ).
http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/s ... enDocument full story for anyone interested. sad story and a genuine accident in my eyes.
That is a really sad story, but unfortunately, it's not the first time i've read about that scenario.
I don't think it was their faults; it's not like they intentionally did it. I feel sympathy for them- they must be going through so much guilt and grief.
You'd think a pediatrician would know better. I don't feel sorry for the parents - they're responsible for the child and the day it was born that responsibility became 24/7. So sad if it died, hope it's okay.
wow how can the father or the mother let they're baby in the car alone like this .. think a little before acting .. cmon
Och, that's sad. Poor kid. I'd pity the parents more, though. The kid can't feel anything anymore, but the parents are the ones that are feeling all the hurt and guilt from accidentally causing their kid's death.
That's heartbreaking :nope: I hope the family can get through this hard time... it sounds like a genuine mistake and it serves as a lesson to other busy parents. It's just too bad someone had to die because of it
it was a misunderstanding though. i bet both of them were 100% sure where the baby was, thinking it was with the other spouse
I would make sure that this couple will never have kids again. It was their responsiblity to ensure the wellbeing of the baby. However, they were irresponsible, and thus, because of this, I don't think they should have kids again.