Written by Spyder - Want to add something to the guide? PM me and ill add your part along with your username showing you wrote that part. The Following is a Guide for Pro Auto-Buying (It has been color coded to allow you to find the information you want quickly.) "When using an autobuyer it is very important to protect yourself from prying eyes but not hold back on getting everything you can" SAFETY NOTICE: Buying an autobuyer? The SUPER autobuyer is sweet, even better than Atmos and way less leaked. Its fast has random refresh between a set time, and checks for rs ban and stops rsing when it happens. It is the safest autbuyer on this site and has superb inclusion of proxies. 1. How to not get frozen (quick points): Always use a side account. (see Fig.4) Make sure you arent refreshing at a ridiculously high rate try every 6 secs. DO NOT, leave it on for hours and hours, the more greedy you get the longer periods show up on their records and not even caffeine can make you refresh for 56 hours straight. 2. Transferring: Say i was transferring an item worth alot of np, then i bid something like 20k for it on the trading post to make it look just like a noob trade and not a 1np transfer, and also try to send an neomail to your side account asking if 20k is acceptable, and do not accept straight after leave about an hour to prevent the logs showing any incriminating information. 3. Lists: Due to grave digging many expensive items liek Ghost marshmallows are worthless, please remove these from your lists so that you do nto waste np, and try going for something like the chocolate factory instead of magic, as it is consistent low profits but lots of them and they soon add up. 4. Protecting your side account: I think i should mention about using the side accounts, always make sure you are using a proxy when signing up for one and make up information try to use a different country, and find out there postcode format (the format can be found out by leaving the postcode area blank and neopets will give you the letter and numeric order on the updated error page) e.g UK: AA9 9AA (where A is a letter and 9 is a numeric) Canada: A9A 9A9 ("" "") ( another example for using this which is why i specifically posted canada is for Sultans Quest which you must be canadian to take part in so just change the country to canada in your user prefs and make up a fake Postcode using the canadian one i posted, unless of course you are canadian) you can find a proxy at http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.html to add it go to your internet settings and check the proxy box and enter the port and any more information provided by the site . 5. Group Sniping: Now here is something i invented... called Group Sniping. You may or not have found out that when you use the normal shop wizard (not the premium version) it displays your answers in clusters of different letters (a group) this group consists of: 2 different letters a number or an underscore, and they are set groups... for example if you typed in scroll of dark nova and i was to appear it would look something like this (my name begins with M) ... Matrix88u7 Scroll of dark nova 8997 Mhh Scroll of dark nova 9988 Zjiiiojuihu Scroll of dark nova 1089 notice that this group is M+Z+(i do not know the numeric, but it isnt 7 or underscore) i must also brign to your attention that ech letter only appears in 1 group, just to clarify why this is helpful (I will post and updated list of all the groups once i have finished trial and error) So if a user searches for "scroll of dark nova" and they happen upon a TJ9 (made up group) and the cheapest there was 4000 and i know my group (just refresh until you find the first letter of your name) and the minimum price is 5600 then go and buy the 4000 one and put it into your shop for 5599. So know when a user searches for a scroll of dark nova, you appear first on the page if they are chosen to be taken to your group, they do not show the other groups with cheaper items so they automatically believe its the cheapest available... so you dont even need t find a cheap item just an item that is inflated within your group (PS: do not do this if you have morales as you are effectively conning someone, but i dont have any morales ) Done lots of testing on different items and have compiled this list of constant groups: First Letter / Second Letter/ Numeric a/n/0 b/o/1 c/p/2 d/q/3 e/r/4 f/s/5 g/t/6 h/u/7 i/v/8 j/w/9 k/x/_ l/y m/z Please note: The above list was researched and compiled by me, and cannot be claimed otherwise, similar lists may exist and I do not stop you by posting this but by posting this as your own. as you can see it uses the alphabetical order so that in the end we end with the middle letter and the last one, so on forgetting you can make your own list. 6. Using Group sniping in Abing : Okay so this is about Abing so here is how we implement it, when you have restocked a buyable item (below 100k) do not when selling it put it lowest on the wiz just put it lowest in your group even if that is 50k higher than the lowest on the wiz, it still looks low (note if it is 50k higher then put it atleast 10k below the next highest price in the group to make it look like a great snipe for a user.) 7. Months (Thank you MarcelAjax and Expon for the useful information) : The best places to Ab change all the time, for instance trying to get a draik egg is pointless if you are under 2 months (blue and green ones are available at 2 months onwards, but at 3+ months yellow, red and darigan will be available). After some help from this board (name mentioned above and in fig.9, I researched a bit more and am pretty sure this is how the monthing system works: Less than 1 month : Rarity 90-100 items do not appear. You can only see items r89 and below. 1 month : You can now see up to rarity 93 items 2 months : You can now see up to rarity 96 items 3 months: You can now see up to r99 items < (such as Bony Grarrl Club, worth 200 mill). 4+ months: You can now see rarity 100 items (such as the Mastermind Plushie), which you probably will never see anyway. 8. Special Thanks Too: Expon - for the confirmation, and time spent perfecting fig.7 - Months MarcelAjax - for the advice on fig.7 - Months Htstigers03 - for the reputaion points ( 1 ) Hikari001 - for the reputaion points ( 1.1 ) Marble - for the reputaion points ( 1.1 ) TX - for the reputaion points ( 1 ) Expon - for the reputaion points ( 2.8 ) Michelle - for the reputaion points ( 1 ) Bititid0 - for the reputaion points ( 1 ) Kloop - for the reputaion points ( 1 ) Gamergrrl - for the reputaion points ( 1 ) Chelsea1 - for the reputaion points ( 1 ) Jaxx - for the reputaion points ( 1 ) Should you want your name removed from here please PM me.
Thanks, I'll be sure to remember this. Does it matter really what account you use, though? I mean, won't TNT ban every every account that uses the same computer?
Thanks. ;D It doesn't all apply for me, as I'm ABing for others and I don't particularly care if I'm iced, but it's useful. +rep.
(information now in first post) sorry, i think i should mention about using the side accounts, always make sure you are using a proxy when signing up for one and make up information try to use a different country, and find out there postcode format (the format can be found out by leaving the postcode area blank and neopets will give you the letter and numeric order on the updated error page) e.g UK: AA9 9AA (where A is a letter and 9 is a numeric) Canada: A9A 9A9 ("" "") ( another example for using this which is why i specifically posted canada is for Sultans Quest which you must be canadian to take part in so just change the country to canada in your user prefs and make up a fake Postcode using the canadian one i posted, unless of course you are candadian ) you can find a proxy at http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.html to add it go to your internet settings and check the proxy box and enter the port and any more information provided by the site , ty for rep point.