per or coin form. Going back into time when different items were believed to have worth or value, ex seashells. Another question, if "money is the root of all evil" then what does that make the people who created it? Money is only as powerful as you believe it to be and that is what gives it worth. Wouldn't things be better if it was free. But then who would want to get a job. You could have them work for different things.
Day 1: "I'll give you these shoes for this loaf of bread." "Okay, I could use a new pair of shoes, and you need bread to eat." Day 2: "I'll give you these shoes for this loaf of bread." "Well, I don't need new shoes, but you need bread, so, okay." Day 3: "I'll give you these shoes for a loaf of bread." " need bread..." Day 10: "I'll give you these shoes..." "NO! I DON'T NEED ANYMORE SHOES! GO STARVE!" And that's why money was invented.
I'm pretty sure money was created for people who couldn't give/take something for something else.. And I agree, money isn't the evil, people are. I swear, if I become rich most of my money will help out my friends and even other countries.. I am not materialistic at all.
Or you could trade those shoes for something else the bread baker wanted. And not everybody just had goods to trade, they also had services to trade for things they wanted. Money was invented to make bartering easier, and more as a proof that the trade had occurred. Using things such as seashells as money, that would be highly limited. You'd have to define how much a seashell would be worth, based upon shape, size, type etc. Money works perfectly fine, is easy to move around, and coins are a bit hardier than shells. Money is the advanced form of seashells, and there wouldn't be any point in regressing back to using seashells. They both would serve the same purpose, but it would be like going from cable internet to dial-up. As for money being free, unless everything was HEAVILY regulated by authorities, many people would abuse the free things. They would take things that aren't necessary to them from others. A large, organized group would hoard a certain item and gain power by that. I don't think we would progress as fast, because money is a big incentive to invent and create new things. Biotechnology is an industry that heavily relies on money for its existence. Its research requires millions of dollars of investment, which comes from people who have money. The main reason they would invest in research is if they think they will get something out of it, a profit to be made. The better ideas will get more funding to advance further in research. Ideas that aren't as good won't be as fast, and ideas that wouldn't work would die away. A lot of luxury items wouldn't exist. A lot of toy companies wouldn't exist. A lot of other things wouldn't exist if there is no money incentive. Think of all the computer games you play. They wouldn't be there either if it wasn't for money. As for jobs, there are many jobs that are not attractive. Some kid vomits at a Mcdonald's restaurant. Who cleans it up? One of the workers there. Why is that person working there? Does that worker enjoy cleaning up vomit? No, that worker is cleaning it up because it is his job, which he gets paid for. As for scrubbing the toilets and all the mess in there, i don't know anyone that find it fun. Basically, it's just impossible for the world to function if everything was free. If everything was free, we would probably go back to bartering. And then have to make currency again to make bartering simpler.
People'll need money coz' they're greedy. Take the greed away and money won't thrive. xD But we're greedy, so currency.. It can't be helped. :B
yeah we'd just barter like crazy. and i think overtime some sort of money system would spring up again [...]
Its hard realy... People would be ripped off far easier when trading goods without being controlled by "prices". The world would probably be a better place, but then again, perhaps not. We have money for a reason... it was created for a reason. All a note is is a "promise". Read th top of all notes. It says "i promise to pay the bearer £10" or however much it is.
anyone who buys anything is a rip off in my eyes.. when you sell a product someone wants, you jack it up 300% and you get 200% profit. when you sell a product someone needs, you still jack it up and you still make a profit. If this country was more about helping each other out than trying to make money off of each other, we'd all be a little bit happier and the people who can't live without money can go live somewhere else.
Yeah, well the same principle applies to abing or restocking on neopets. Except you increase the price to way over 300%.
a system of currency like the one we use right now is a mixed blessing. On one hand, if it is controlled well by the government, a money system means that it is fairly easy to trade items and there is a universal standard which everyone will accept and trade things for. In this respect, it's superior to bartering. But, money itself is worthless and this means that if the system is not controlled tightly, for example, if someone just prints out lots of money, or if there is too much fraud, then the system falls apart. Also, the system we use right now is inherently flawed in that for most ways of adding money into the economy, it also makes the national debt go up. At the same time, people are charged interest for money borrowed and this results in more money needed than is in circulation. Generally, this results in the printing of more money. It's kind of screwy o-0; But on a smaller scale, yea, money is good
The only problem is that some people wouldn't make enough money to stay alive if they didn't charge 3x the price for an item. A farmer wouldn't get enough to go around if he only asked for as much as the cucumber had costed to grow, the shop wouldn't be able to pay their staff, shipping of items or rent. The only things you can ask to be lower that actually could become even lower, are toys and small items made in China. But then again, you won't be helping them either by asking to buy their stuff for 1x or 1,5x the production price.
I should have mentioned this before. The cost of making/growing the product and the cost of living/staff isn't part of the profit so the price of the product should cover this as well. That's not part of the profit.
But then everyone will have the same pay, and there wouldn't be any way to get a raise without raising prices. You see where this is going? Slightly towards a communist system, at least regarding the economy. Everyone would get just above subsistence level and well, it just wouldn't be good for the economy or the development of new and improved products since there would be no motivation.
I didn't say there would be one fixed price.. you change is as the needs change.. You don't need a gallon of milk to be 20 dollars to cover all costs AND your shiney new bmw. And like I said before, if we were about helping each other out instead of trying to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, we would still find better, more efficient ways to do stuff..
Still, the prices would go up as people's wages went up and the two would just cancel each other out. Just as if people's wages were lowered, the prices would be so as well. And many people do try to help others, but we just haven't caught up with the development of our society. Just look back a few decades, and compare how many people contribute to charity organisations at that time towards today. People are becoming more aware, they want a load of cash but they still want to help others and we are making progress, it just takes time. =)
Money is a good thing. It keeps a fully established system for us all to use-- determined by each individual country's laws and economy. Now, things go wrong when people start to horde money, cheat people out of money, rip people off. It's not currency that's the problem. The problem is the natural human weakness to cut corners, get people for all they're worth type thing.
'slightly towards a communist system' is known as a 'welfare state'. Most 1st World countries are a welfare state, but they're like, pure capitalism ^^; I doubt people would starve or anything, unless that country is bad at managing it's agricultural output, but a problem for a country with the same pay for everyone is lack of motivation. Look at Russia today .