I bought this for my ps2 and found it to be addictive. There is a lot of dancing and even some singing but the storyline is nice. I usually sometimes would accidently let the captives get captured but some levels were hard to get everything when the creatures were moving and shaking to darn quick. You are a news reporter and I is something like a cop. You are trying to get more reviews for your station while also trying to help others. if you miss some buttons being pressed in sync then your dancing will suck and you won't have the best aim. i still don't understand the tentacle board on disc two. I might need to play it again.
Haha i remember this game, my mother was given a free copy to review and us kids got to play it and tell her what we thought. It was extremely addictive even if i was a little ashamed with how silly the plot was. Those last few levels were challenging too! Did you think they were seriously trying to come up with a good game plot or were they taking the piss?
I don't beieve they were serious about the plot, look at seaman ( there precious before they start cursing). But Dreamcast is one of my favorite consoles, power stone, shenmue, dead house thing, skies of arcadia, grandia. I miss it!
OMG another dreamcast fan. I still play DC. I want to get seamna but it's so expensive on amazon/ebay. Might burn it and try to get a mic. Dreamcast started it all, the online console gameplay that is. Did you get rid of your DC? And I still have my Genesis, yay.