Poetry Contest Running from 9/23-9/26

Discussion in 'Contests and Events' started by kittymeow, Sep 2, 2007.

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  1. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    Update 2: Since a person has shown interest, then by the end of the contest if no one else enters then they are the winner by default, but the prize will be lowered to 30,000 Neopoints and a codestone of their choice.

    Update: I have decided to set a time frame for the poetry contest to hopefully spark some entries. If no one enters then
    the contest will just be closed unless some interest is shown.

    Anyone can enter and write a piece of work but it must have at least three stanzas.
    It will be judged by me.

    The Criteria to meet is:

    Content ( What words are used and their deeper meaning )
    Effort ( Whether or not the work seems like a quick 2 minute job or really was worked on )
    Creativity ( Of course you can use any style of writing or just use your own )
    Grammar ( Please use correct grammar unless you are using slang )

    Each category can get a total of 7 points.

    The number of people who can enter is 8.

    First Place 50,000 Neopoints
    Second Place 35,000 Neopoints
    Third Place 15,000 Neopints
    Two Runner-Ups Codestone of their choice

    Note: If the 8th User has not entered yet then you can change or edit your entry
    but make sure you end it by writing "Final Edition".

    Once the winners are known then they should PM me so that they can properly recieve
    their prize as they choose, i.e. Buy from Shop, Trade, etc.

    Good Luck and Have Fun.
  2. itcantbe

    itcantbe Newbie

    Jul 5, 2007
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    Re: Poetry Contest Running from 9/20-9/23

    Vows thought meant to be.
    Taken flight, desolate us.
    An addictions plight.
  3. avblue

    avblue Level II

    Aug 14, 2007
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    Heeere's my entry. :)

    Cool summer nights,
    Sky littered with lights.
    Waves crashing ashore,
    I'm yearning for more...
    and you.

    The breeze on my shoulders,
    The night never gets older.
    Your whispers in my ear,
    The love that I hear,
    and you.

    The sand between our toes
    as the ocean breeze blows..
    Wrapped up in arms, tight,
    with a full moon in sight...
    and you.

    The light of the moon
    illuminating the dunes...
    The smell of the air,
    The salt in my hair...
    And you.

    The taste of your kiss
    from the lips that I miss,
    The scent of your cologne
    When we are alone...
    and you.
  4. chikorita_S

    chikorita_S Level I

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Passionate love
    So deep so love

    if you choose to leave me
    I will be alright

    but love still be with me
    the sweetest touch

    but when you aren't their
    I feel I'm unknown

    so please stay with me
    my heart needs it

    I love you so much
    we are like two birds and an egg

    I love your smile it is so deep
    you make me feel like I'm so wonderful

    you make me feel so beautiful inside
    thats why I say "love me tonight".
  5. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    avblue Prize Delivery Confirmed
    itcantbe Prize Delivery Confirmed
    chikorita_S Prize Delivery Confirmed


    Although you did not meet the requirement, as the first person to show interest, I will reward you with 10,000Nps.

    avblue and chikorita_S
    I found both of your works to amazing and couldn't really decide between the two, so its a tie, mainly because I didn't feel like either one of you really put in any effort. It SEEMED more like it was pre-written, so it took less time.

    You both will recieve 25,000 NPs and a codestone of your choice. PM me, so that we can determine how each of you will be recieving your prizes.
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