kids need to know there's more in life than just winning in computer games/electronics. they need to know that their future is here and that they should probably try getting involved in sports or camps or volunteer activities. ^^
kids will forever be kids, and you can't expose them to the computer world of internet/ect. too early. you don't know what will happen from that.
or a summer camp/peewee sports i think thats what they're called.. but kids these days have the latest technology for toys like remote control cars, etc. they could have so much fun outside than just staying inside. when i was younger, all i had was a scooter and that was all i needed.
your just old and are aginst it but you should put them on at age 8 and teach them becausre man jobs will be demanding it its just going to get bigger and bigger and it wont stop so they need to be introduced earlier so they will be successful.
i'm not that old. ^^ How old would you be? I'm just saying that age 8 is way too young, I think sports&activities that have their interest should be first as well as an early beginning for education.
^^ Yes, I agree, we don't always need the "newest" computers/electronics, I mean sports & education are probably the best things a child could be exposed to first.
im definately not old either, so please dont judge stuff you don't know. for your information actually im 14. im just against little kids that can have health problems because of addiction from lack of exercise. i think its sad, i think they should all be healthy and have fun. not sitting in the house all day doing nothing.
FYI:there aint gonna be much farmers in the future kids need to know how to use it because if they dont they can be stuck with a labor job.
I'm only 13 too. I was concerned about my brother's eye problem because of video games and such. I mean computer takes up way too much time, so definately volunteering, outdoor activities, sports, education, most important - comes first.
wait how does this relate? farmers might be replaced with more advanced technology i'm sorta confused at what you're getting at ...
blah, im the youngest in my family. i'd rather help around the house cleaning or doing something else like socializing instead of being on the computer.
they are going to need to know how to use the computer or they are not going to be very success ful because that is going to be the dashboard for most good paying jobs.
studying, education, working hard, and doing well in school while doing outdoor activities will lead to a good job. a computer will not lead you to a great future.
they are going to need to know how to use the computer or they are not going to be very success ful because that is going to be the dashboard for most good paying jobs. -sigh- i can tell your addicted to the computer.
kids should be exposed after the age of 10... wats wrong with goin outside and playing with other kids?? all that technology will just make the young kids out there become anti-social... wen need human interaction... not just chatting over the internet..
i agree with you. ^^ i feel that when kids aren't socialable i think their life turns out to be a wreck in their older life.. thats what i believe.. i dont know about anyone else.
agreed. Chatting over the internet is totally different from personal interactions. Some things people are willing to say over the internet is not said personally due to shyness or other reasons. Children nowadays really lack personal interactions.
Thats like asking if a fish should be exposed ti water, its what our world runs around in this day and age, exposer to the tools that will run our future at a young age is a great idea, if nothing else it will advance our societies that much more.