I played/play(computer dropped, client had to be re-installed, error last time, need to re-download it again) Voyage Century Online and was wondering if anybody else played it. I play on the Magellan server. It's basicly the first nautical adventure game; set in the 1400's and you explore the world (well... they only have 1 pirate town on the americas, so dont do what i did and get stuck in canada for 3 hours T.T) It's pretty fun and; well i'll just post a link. I could talk for pages about it! homepage here http://vc.igg.com/index.php
It's really fun! I played it once for around a month, but there don't seem to be much people online... And it gets quite hard to progress with no interaction. The prices of stuff are also outrageous, I remember playing with a friend and we both thought of building a crew or something but the option wasn't even available xD Like many other options. It was like a desert. The explore map is huge, but there were almost no real people, just boring NPCs. It's still really recent. Plus, I was playing in a un-official server so probably there were less people because of that. Overall, it's a good game, addictive 'cause you play both in ground and sea, and get to explore a huge portion of the world with your ships =)
now there are a lot more on; usually they are just around the Mediterranean though. they combined 2 servers because they both had few people playing so you may have been on one of those. I am in a guild with about 200 people (its very important to get into a guild (i prefer huge ones) because they help you a lot with stuff and its a nice to be able to talk to people while you sail from Stockholm to Edo. and if you want to buy ANYTHING other than from an NPC you either should make a side account who will constantly mine/lumber cut for you or become a merchant. (merchanting is fun as hell i think)