in Teachers Sanctioned for Sexual Misconduct. :nope: haha all i have to say is that im glad im graduating this year. :maha: >>~~~>Full Story<~~~<<
there should be harsher penalties for that sort of thing... its because those people always get let of with a slap on the wrist that it keeps happening again and again...
This is really sad, Im still trying to think of how you can do that? Honestly I think these people are alittle messed up in the head. I'm really happy I dont see any of that out here in this part of California.
I live in Austin...Texas... I think something like that actually happened to one of the teachers at my school last year...
Texas has some serious problems... (my friend is from Texas and he is the most defensive person about Texas ever :lol
no offence to the people from texas but here in canada you guys are considered one of the most overweight states and worst lol
Well i myself work with children, and those kind of stories make me want to go get a weapon and well you know. The problem is from my point of view , is that there isn't enough supervision of the STAFF at most schools. Many are left alone with one or 2 students for long periods of time. And regardless of if they do something or they don't, they have no way ot prove either way. The school which i work at uses cameras all over (which is great, unless you forget and itch your arse oops). there has only been one instance of innapropriateness at my work, and it wasn't anything major... just a dumb newly graduated guy who didn't have a clue. Cameras, making sure a teacher doesn't have a student alone, and periodic staff checks by administration would go a long way to stop these things from happening.
well howdy there partner! now i reckon you gone messin wit ma state! now yall listen here, this here state is the best state ever! We aint no dog gone over weight... we're "chunky", more of us to luv. <3 :yup: :lol: jk yea we purdy fat