So I was thinking and a friend of mine is cheating on her boyfriend. At first I thought, what a horrible person that is totally wrong, but then I found out her boyfriend was a total moron and she was in love with this other guy. I still think cheating is wrong but at the same time I was wondering- is there any way to justify cheating, any exceptions to the rule? What do you think and why? Also, has anyone here cheated, and if so, why?
The way I see it, there's not much of a justification for cheating. If you love somebody than who you're with, it's not fair for you, sure. It's equally unfair to string the other person along and go behind their back instead of handling the situation maturely and confronting the issue. Aside from the fact that infidelity is generally frowned upon in society, it's a hurtful and selfish act.
If she's in love with someone else, she should break up with her boyfriend. There is no excuse for cheating. It's pointless. I don't get why it's so hard to just end the relationship you're in if you no longer want to be with that person.
When I first saw this I thought it was about cheating in games. Well, how do you define cheating? Is it flirting, kissing, or being intimate? What if you have an open relationship? I could see how what some consider "cheating" is okay in some cases, when you have established rules for what cheating is and what they aren't. A friend of mine had an open relationship even though she never did anything with someone else than her boyfriend, she let him do whatever he wanted with others as there wasn't any feelings involved. She was completely fine with this. Another problem that occurs is when people are polyamorous. While their partner might not be able to have feelings for more than one person. Would this be cheating? You can't help if you fall in love with someone. But when you're talking about a couple who have established what they consider cheating, they might say that kissing is cheating, and one person violates these rules then no. It's not okay. If you have a mutual agreement with someone, you should stick by it. Especially if it involves someone you care about.
i consider cheating wrong if your in love with someone else just end the relationship your in now your only gonna hurt more people if you cheat which will cause you more problems
cheated once :/ not proud really. But i was with the wrong girl. (short version) Me + girl i love ended relationship I got with another girl I then met the other girl i loved. we did stuff 2days later i ended it with gf and got back with girl i loved Never told her i cheated as its a bit harsh But i felt bad. and i knew i shudnt of even been with hre if i loved another girl
I agree with ang.. If there are other options, then why choose the wrong one? Cheating, is everything you would do with your loved one. But, on the other hand, I wouldn't mind my girlfriend checking out other girls or something, but that ends as far as that goes..
This is interesting, and I can actually see this as okay. You're in a situation with someone you notice that you feel strong for, more than your partner, and you've had a relationship with the person earlier. You realize that your current relationship isn't healthy, your feelings for your partner aren't the same, and you know that with this person you would be in a good relationship. I would cheat on my current partner in this case, I wouldn't risk not taking the oppertunity to get back together with the ex. Of course, I'd break up with my partner the next day, but I wouldn't just excuse myself and go call my partner and break up with her when I was with the other person. Even though you shouldn't be proud, you shouldn't be ashamed either. You did the right thing and followed your feelings, I would have done the same and I can understand the situation very well. You really shouldn't feel bad for it. There are a couple of people you meet in life, that you will never forget, and you should take the chance if you feel that it's the right thing to do.
If you're going to be in a relationship, you shouldn't even be tempted. If you want someone else, then end the one you're in now and go for the other person. People who cheat are selfish for not considering the other people hurt, and cowards for not having the balls to break up.
I haven't cheated, but have been cheated with.... but i didn't know it at that time. Turns out they were already dating someone. Cheating nowadays isn't justified. If you were a princess and had to marry some prince and forced against your will but you have a true love elsewhere (preferably a peasant), then yea its gonna be justified. But now we have a choice and no one can force us into marriage.
initially i was wondering what were you saying using the word "nowadays" But yea i somewhat agree with you that nowadays cheating is not justified. However there are still some cases in the modern world where people are forced into a relationship. Like say, in rich families where the parents force the children into marriage so as to increase the power and wealth of the family. In such cases "cheating" is justified. However i still feel that the "cheating" should be done with the knowledge of the other party. Well i guess that is now not considered as "cheating"
Haha. I was intrigued by the board name... Well- I wouldn't cheat- 1. I'm too nice to cheat..I couldn't stand I got close to it and I ended up apologizing to my boyfriend and telling him about the whole thing. 2. I'd probably suck at it and get caught anyways :lol: i really don't think there are exceptions that make it okay to cheat..because like in your friend's situation..would have really been hard to just break up with the moron entirely ? EDIT: W00t! 400th post B)
I've cheated, but it was early on in the relationship when I was still seeing/dating other people at the same time, and when my boyfriend and I weren't "exclusive." I didn't think it would work out between us so I didn't take it seriously, but as we got closer, I admitted to what happened. It damaged our relationship a lot, but we worked through it. I don't regret it though, because I try not to regret anything, and I realize that if I hadn't cheated on him, I wouldn't have realized he was the one who suited me best.
no its never alright to cheat, if you dont want to be with a person just break up with them, and if you love them dont cheat on them!!! it so simple
No I don't think its alright to cheat. If you really like someone else or your girl/boy friend is not nice and want something better. Just end it :yup:
I don't like this Pocketmonster person. He just replies to a whole bunch of topics with restatements of what other people have said on like every board...and not that he's the only one doing it..but it's annoying.
Lol! No offense to previous poster but theres not much else to say but to go indepth about that sentance. But back to the topic. I belive that under no circumstance should someone be aloud to cheat, not one circumstance. Im currently in a situation that some would concider "Ok to cheat". Im partialy dating this one girl, but this other girl is constantly on my mind, i dont even love the girl im almost dating anymore, but i hate to have to hurt someone, i thought it thru and its a lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose situtation ( either way i hurt someone, me, her, other girl, if i hurt her her ex will hunt me down, if i do with other girl her brothers who are semi pro wrestlers will come after me) but yet i still wont cheat. But i will admit i did cheat once... i really regret it. I broke up with a girl, dated another girl, while i was dating that other girl, cheated on her with my ex. Sad thing is, they are best friends, and the one still doesnt know.
Heck yes!, I would find any cheat that would give me neopoints....Oh wait I guess thats why I'm here xD
You should read more than just the title before posting The thread is about cheating in relationships, not in games.