
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Virre, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. foxygrampa2012

    foxygrampa2012 Level I

    Aug 4, 2007
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    very against drugs
    i dont need any stuff to make me feel amazing
    i just am amazing
  2. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Yeah, but with drugs you'll find out just how amazing you really are.
    Like me, I apperantly have a robotic hand under my skin. =)
  3. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    So I guess you've done the Terminator thing? You know, cut around arm, down wrist, rip skin off? Nice
  4. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Unlike what people might belive, no. :p
    More like x-ray vision.

    But it's not the "fact" that your hand is robotic that fascinates you, it's the cogs and wheels that are turning underneath your skin.
    It's like a metaphore (sp?) for how your hand is actually build up.
    That's the aspect of it that makes you understand how everything is built up. You know that the hallucinations aren't necessarily real, but they are often metaphores for how things really work.
  5. southsidesoldier

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Drugs are an interesting thing. I am not against all drugs. In fact, I make part of my money off marijuana, which, I personally use. Whether I'm addicted or not, I can't say. More than likely I am. I am also addicted to Nicotine, having had my last ciggarette a week ago. I used to smoke a pack a day, but decided to attempt to quit as a personal challenge. I drink on rare occasions. I love, absolutley love, alcoholic drinks. I dont like being drunk. Now, when it comes to the legality of drugs, and im talking about all drugs in general, I belive steps should be made to legalize them, both for recrerational and medical use. Those steps should include research, however, and that research should be made available to the public. There is no doubt that the legalization of drugs would benefit the economy, greatly. Thousands of jobs, millions of dollars in tax revenue, and so forth. Of course, what country would want the world to know they've got an economy based on drugs? I could go on and on about that but I think its a little off topic. On terms of personal use, I use marijuana for many reasons. First and foremost, its because I enjoy the high. There is no denying that. Its an almost spritual expirience. It might be intersting to note, that since I started smoking marijuana, several years ago, I have not gotten sick, aside from the scattered common cold or sore throat. It may have nothing to do with marijuana, but it does deserve to be noted.

    I also suffer from dsylexia, and I have found that when I am mildly high, reading is less difficult. Of course, if I'm completley blown and I look at a page in a book or a piece of paper, every letter on the page is transposed.

    Marijuana also relieves headaches and migraine headaches.

    When it comes to the spirituality of marijuana, i believe it enhances, to a certain extent, those spiritual abilities that do exsist. I believe in auras (in a a different way than most, though its complicated) and that marijuana aids in the ability to take an accurate aura reading.

    I could go on for days about the positive facts about marijuana, but there is no denying that marijuana affects your short term memory, your lungs, and your appendix. Of course, recent studies show that the effects to the brain wear off with time when the user quits smoking. The time varies from individual to individual, but is never more than a few months.
  6. klae17

    klae17 Level III

    Oct 28, 2007
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    OK, you have a good reason, but the guy next to you can also say the exact same thing, just so he can use it too. I think some people use excuses to get high. i am against drugs that impair you or make you abnormal. Unless someone forced it down your throat, its your choice to use it. I approve of medicine, where your life is in danger. Otherwise, stay away.
  7. kolby998

    kolby998 Level I

    Oct 23, 2007
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    drugs arent cool they are illegal and bad for you. just snif a marker if you have to! lol :D
  8. southsidesoldier

    Nov 6, 2007
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    lol sniffing a marker is more harmful to you than smoking marijuana out of paper.
  9. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    To clarify; as I have stated earlier in this topic, one way would be to have some kind of license in order to use the drugs. And this wouldn't only be to answer questions, but to have a therapist (for example) to sit you during your first time with the drug.

    And I don't think my reason to use drugs is better than many others. If a person wants to get drunk they drink. People don't seem to have big problems with that, unless you drink too much. And I see no reason why this 'rule' shouldn't apply to other drugs as well.

    By drugs that make you "abnormal", what exactly do you mean by that?
    If a person has headache, and this person takes a pill to get rid of it, shouldn't it be considered abnormal as it changes your current state?
    If an athlete wants to get better and this person eats nutritional suppliments that are synthesised, is that abnormal as well?
    If a person drinks a few beers and get a little tipsy, is this considered abnormal?
    Please elaborate =)

    You get different kind of highs with different kind of drugs.
    From what I've heard, you feel mostly dizzy when sniffing a marker. I doubt it's one of the highs that people prefer.
    Also, it is very unhealthy for you to sniff a marker.
  10. jvjanisse

    jvjanisse Level I

    Oct 28, 2007
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    o_O well... i take speed to act less abnormal and hyper than everyone else. I think that, under controlled doses, most any drug can benefit the user; the problem comes when it's used for recreation and abuse.
  11. klae17

    klae17 Level III

    Oct 28, 2007
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    Yes, I do mean drinking is abnormal.

    And headache is already abnormal from what you normally are (headache free) so taking a pill is actually good. I said that i approve for medicinal reasons....
  12. sleepy

    sleepy Level I

    Nov 16, 2007
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    That is a really interesting way to look at it. I think that drugs should not be under the level of criminalization that they are presently
  13. sportsguy1294

    sportsguy1294 Level I

    Nov 24, 2007
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    people misuse over the counter drugs because they are irresponsible. street drugs (illegal) are just bad. people die from them, and people die for them.
  14. feeeesh

    feeeesh Level I

    Nov 25, 2007
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    alot of people take drugs from peer pressure and gets hook and they think they need to get high to have fun which is really dumb wasting your life away like that i think they should just find someone who makes them hyper and fun and let that person be their drug instead
  15. zaibrax

    zaibrax Level I

    Dec 5, 2007
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    There bad, unless you use them for emergencies
  16. ninjitzumaster

    ninjitzumaster Level III

    Nov 9, 2007
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    I wrote my senior seminar (15 page essay to graduate) on prohibition/ legalization, and I strongly believe they should be legalized. Here are just a few reasons why:

    1)Prohibition creates a black market. ~~Dealers/ Sellers take a big risk by selling an illegal product, as a result prices increase dramatically. This creates a black market for not only gang activity, but terroists as well. There is a lot of money to be made distributing illegally, and with the right tools it is easy for terrorist groups to exploit the highly inflated drug market. If drugs were legalized, taxed and regulated, there would be no market to exploit and terrorist and such would have to find a new way to find funding for their activities. someone said earlier that people die for drugs, and this black market for them is exactly why. The high prices created by this black market cause people to resort to extreme measures to come up with the money to buy the drugs. IE liquor store robberies, etc. Do you think people would be getting shot over an ounce of weed if they could just go to the store and buy it for a fraction of what it costs on the street now?
    2)Prohibition causes police corruption~~ An officer of the law can make more from bribes and protection money in one month than they make on a whole year salary. This keeps big dealers, often the most dangerous kind, out on the street while the petty dime bag pushers go to jail. The government makes lots of money on all those court fees, mandatory classes, and fines they put the little guys through. Protect and serve my A$$.
    3)Our prison systems are failing~~ Posession, cultivation, distribution, and even intent to distribute are jailable offenses. Prisons are overcrowded and so much of our tax money is going to not only taking care of thousands of inmates who are in jail on drug related charges, but building new prisons to house thousand more REAL criminals (murderers, and so on).
    4) Drugs do not create psychos~~ one of the biggest arguments against legalization is the fact that more people would be high, and high people do bad things. Not true. The crime rate in countries where drugs are legal (amsterdam, holland) is a fraction of the US crime rate. Holland sees only about 5 murders a year, whereas the US has more than 100. granted, Holland is smaller, but percentage wise, their murder rate is MUCH less. People use being high as an excuse to do the things they really want to do. You dont get high and beat up old ladies just because youre high, you do it because youre a bad person.
    5)Legalization could save the rain forest!~~ Did you know that one acre of hemp plant makes as much paper pulp (the stuff they use to make paper) as FOUR acres of woodland trees? In addition, hemp has a very similar nutrition base and chemical property to corn. They can use hemp to make the same plant based oil as that E85 stuff they're putting in new cars to help the environment. Prices of corn, milk, meat, and many other groceries have risen because of the corn shortage(all the corn is being used to make the plant based oil). If they used hemp instead, they could continue using corn for cattle feed, an so on. There would also be acres and acres of new plant life growing all over the world turning harmful CO2 into Oxygen, thus helping the Ozone, and ending global warming. With no shortage of plant based oil, we wouldnt be dependant on foreign sources of oil, thus settling at least some of the issues with the middle east.
    Anyway, I have a lot more reasons, but I think you get the idea. legalization isnt just about "getting high" Ive never dome a drug in my life nor do I intend to do so if they ever become legal. there is far more at play here than most people care to see..
  17. comeon_tryme

    comeon_tryme Level I

    Dec 5, 2007
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    why take drugs they cost, illigal, and kill you. wats the point? JUST SAY NO!!! drugs kill.

  18. ninjitzumaster

    ninjitzumaster Level III

    Nov 9, 2007
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    It is our Constitutional right to be able to decide that for ourselves. Prohibition takes away that right and makes the decision for you. I don't do drugs but I support the right to choose that for myself. And the whole drugs kill thing... refer to reason 1 of my previous post. As far as overdoses go, if you need a drug for a particular medical reason, you would have a prescription and also a prescribed DOSAGE. People can abuse legal drugs, ie asprin, pain killers, caffiene, etc, just as easily as they could any other drug if it were to become legal. Abuse of a prescribed dosage is already happening everywhere, prohibition doesn't keep it from happening, and it will continue to happen in the hands of certain individuals, no matter what the drug is.
  19. x3cailin

    x3cailin Level I

    Dec 8, 2007
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    I think marjuana should be legalized in the US. The Nicotine in the cigarettes are more addictive then Heroine, yet they are legal?
    The mj isn't even that harmful. Like someone said, sniffing a marker is more harmful.
  20. ninjitzumaster

    ninjitzumaster Level III

    Nov 9, 2007
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    I agree with you x3, Cigarettes and alcohol are more harmful than MJ, but heroin is much more addictive. A heroin user can die if they try to quit cold turkey like some cigarette smokers do. Thats why they have methodone clinics. Anyway, MJ is one of the least harmful drugs out there. Even with all the arguments for legalization, the goverment won't legalize because it would be too hard to tax and regulate, whole new systems would have to be put into place for courts and so on, thousands of prisoners would have to be released and that means thousand of cases to re-evaluate, and face it, they make more money on court fees, drug classes and fines for drug crime than they will ever make off of just taxing and regulating the product. The system isn't going to change any time soon im afraid :(