Does anyone recommend it? It looks fun, but since it is on a different platform then I am used to, I don't know if I should get it.
Well the game that I like is free and its called stepmania. It is for PC. It can have a step pad and everything or you can just use your arrow keys . But I always thought DDR looked incredibly a horrible game lol.
I love DDR! It is so addicting. Not much will be different for the wii though. Atleast I don't think anything will be different...
I don't own one, but I have played Call of Duty 3 and Wii Sports on the Wii. How you would work DDR into the Wii is beyond me, unless they are going to rewire a dance pad like they had for the PS2 version of DDR. Or, since the Wii is largely based on the motion of the Remote, maybe they will create a new style of play unique to the Wii. Who knows? Edit* Seems like it is largely based on motion. Again, I don't have one, so I can't make that judgement yet.
You'll be using a dance pad like any other DDR for this one. What's the difference between all the DDRs but a few songs >.<