Suggestion, please!

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by Balthier, Dec 16, 2007.

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  1. Balthier

    Balthier Level III

    Dec 23, 2006
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    I played FFXI for years (yes. years.) and now I can't afford it. But, I need a good mmorpg that's both free and has major replay value. So, any suggestions for my broke ass? btw, no maplestory. no secret of the solstice. no runescape. nothing dumb.
  2. Xenophilius

    Xenophilius Level IV

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I've never tryied such games, I find them very, very boring x)

    GL finding a new one ;)
  3. braniak

    braniak Level I

    Dec 16, 2007
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    i used to play a game called ragnarok, but if you dont want to pay it takes liek 4hr to download.
    go to and go to downloads. then you go to avalon and go to full download. and thats all you need :tehe:
  4. H3nry

    H3nry Level III

    Nov 16, 2007
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    Alot of the free MMO has anime style "cute" graphics.
    Games like Asda story, Flyff, Seal, DOMO...erm I think that's it.
    If you like those sort of games then go for it.
  5. Pocketmonster

    Pocketmonster Level II

    Nov 20, 2007
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    How high graphics you wanting is the question :D

    Guild Wars is free after you purchase it once( Very decent graphics Since I only seen it played a few times I never played it )
    Diablo II is free after you purchase it (So-So graphics for its time :) a lot of different characters and ways to work them up and a huge plethora of items to choose from.)
    Runescape Nonmembers is free but not as much fun But its only 5-7 a month (Its barely 3-d but decent re-play value...If member new stuff about every week)
    Flyff is free completely unless you get the cash shop items (A pretty funny/fun game lots of different ways to go with your character and lots of different ways to form a party (max of 8 for a party ))
    I don't quite like MapleStory but It wasn't a bad game :) (well not much can I say about it but it was decent for the few hours I played it)

    cheapest game with best replay value would I guess Have to be Flyff or runescape. But since RS members is not free. Flyff would have to win over it. But if you would spend the 5-7 dollars a month RS is a lot better IMO.

    Hope I help :nope: ? :yup: ?
  6. branflakes

    branflakes Newbie

    Dec 18, 2007
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    try tibia =D pretty fun game
  7. Elindrell

    Elindrell Level I

    Dec 18, 2007
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    Ok, I've played HEAPS of MMORPGS over the years, and I'll give you my top picks on FREE mmorpgs.

    -FlyFF It's free, the graphics are cute and its 3D.
    Drawback: Repetitious. It's just grinding, grinding, grinding. Very fun if you've got a friend playing with you though.

    -Audition Online Battle Ok, so it's not a MMORPG, but I love it. An online dance battle? Yes Please. ;)
    Drawback: Well, I guess you won't be liking this game if you don't like DDR, but if you do, then you'll <3 it ^^

    -Guild Wars I personally don't like this game, but It's free I guess, so if you're low on cash then go ahead and try it out.
    Drawback: I don't like the graphics and the gameplay here: Doesn't offer much in the way of choice.

    -Trickster Online Now THIS is a game for all those cute anime lovers out there :) I enjoyed it while I played, definitely give it a try.
    Drawback: Same as FlyFF, gets repetitious. Very fun with a few friends though :)

    -World of Warcraft (Private Server) Yes, the big Gun. WoW. I admit to have played this game for over 2 years now, and have yet to be bored of it. If you're looking for replay value, this is the game for you.
    Drawback: None except maybe the interface that you hate ;)

    These are a few, if you need more just tell me ;)
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