Do you mean an autobuyer that has proxy support? Or one that switches through various proxies while AB'ing?
That would be awesome. You could scan for proxies , ( or buy really good ranges on the internet ) load up all the proxies in a notepad file , then set the ammount of time that it switches through the proxies. If you had a couple hundered proxies then you could AB all day. Would this work , or do they just look at your account name?
Yes and the freeze rate would be ten times higher... Proxies just give you a new identity they doesn't stop TnT banning you. So when TnT looks over the log files and notices how much you've bought today at what speeds, however it registers as could of been legit, that is until they see you've logged in today as 30 different people... then you're banned wether they thought you were ABing or not. Imagines on your lookup (TnT please don't bann me, I have 18 sisters and 12 brothers who all use this computer on neopets!) Sorry but its just ridiculous :O