
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by cardenal, Oct 19, 2007.

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  1. mincepup

    mincepup Level II

    Dec 6, 2007
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    New York Times' Science Times has done numerous articles on the proliferation of homosexuality in both humans and animals. Our closest relatives in animals, the bonobo among other apes are commonly known for engaging in homosexual acts as well as life long homosexual relationships. Not only apes, but hooved animals such as sheep, gazelle, horses, ect, have all been seen engaging in homosexuality. It is also prevalent among dolphins, birds (I can attest to that...I had a pair of gay keets), dogs, cats...The list goes on.

    The point is, that it has been proven to be natural. In older societies, such as Ancient Greece, it was promoted for keeping the population in check. The United States even had a gay president, our 15th. Notable names include Oscar Wilde and even Shakespeare was thought to have fallen in love with a man at one point.

    I don't believe in the argument for Nature vs Nurture on anything. It doesn't make sense. Everything is a combination of the two, and unless people start to realize this as a fact, I feel like I have little hope for society as a whole.

    Homosexuality is a fact of life. People who are against it are ridiculous. Its not going away any time soon and unless you hole yourself up in the mountains with a shotgun and a pack of distinctly heterosexual dogs, you need to learn to deal with it.

    Its not a matter of "Is Homosexuality Wrong or Right?" It is neither. Just as heterosexuality is neither right nor wrong.

    The end. ;)
  2. Cheeto

    Cheeto Level IV

    Oct 24, 2007
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    I never knew that...
    I guess it is the older, religious people who make it out to be unatural and unjust.
  3. Elindrell

    Elindrell Level I

    Dec 18, 2007
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    It's your own choice whether you want to turn gay or not, and I have nothing against gay people, except distance myself from them a bit =/

    But I don't think its right. Thats not the way Mother Nature created you.
  4. Commy

    Commy Moderator
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    Aug 11, 2007
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    Noo....you can't choose to turn gay or not. And it sure sounds like you do have something against gay people when you have to distance yourself from them a bit.
    And it hasn't been proven, but it has been generally accepted that nature does play a part in your sexuality.
    Not to mention that there are many examples of them found in nature itself.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual ... and_groups
  5. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Nature maybe went wrong and some male think they should have been female =>> simple as that :p
  6. Commy

    Commy Moderator
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    Aug 11, 2007
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    There may have been different reasons for that homosexuality. In swans, it was observed that homosexual pairings that raised young had a higher survival rate of their young. With certain species of lizards, homosexuality in the form of parthenogenesis has been found, another survival trait when there is a low frequency of males within the population. This isn't applicable to humans, but homosexuality in nature isn't as "simple as that". My original point is, whether you are gay or not, Mother Nature played a part in creating you that way. It isn't something you choose to be, or go against nature for. Unless nature is meant as "mainstream conformity" ;)
  7. icemint

    icemint Level I

    Nov 17, 2006
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    Everyone is free to decide who they want in your life. It's a choice, a free choice. we don't have to agree or disagree, that's not about our lives. i have one friend that's homosexual, and i love him <3 :)
  8. Commy

    Commy Moderator
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    Aug 11, 2007
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    That was the choice I was talking about. Not the choice of whether you want homosexuals in your life or not, which is a choice you can choose.
  9. Elindrell

    Elindrell Level I

    Dec 18, 2007
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    Actually, I watched a documentary awhile ago where they had an interview with a gay.

    He said that he had trouble coping with homosexuality during high-school, but then one day he finally realised, That he has a CHOICE, to go on trying to live a normal life, or give in.

    See, he had a choice right there.

    As it turns out, he chose to be a full fledged homosexual.

    Now I'm not disputing your point of view, but personally I think most people would agree that Nature wouldn't have created you GAY.

    It's outside influences that make you that way, such as your childhood, friends, etc.

    Oh, and I truly don't have anything against gay people.

    I even have a friend that is gay.

    But you would be a bit nervous meeting new gay people, wouldn't you?
  10. Commy

    Commy Moderator
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    Aug 11, 2007
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    I don't think you understand what homosexuality is. It's not a choice. He was attracted to men. His choice was coming out of the closet, to admit to himself and to those around him that he was gay. You can't choose who you are attracted to. Perhaps you should try to read some previous pages. Here's one
    and perhaps even a few posts up on this very page.
    You don't have a choice of who you are attracted to. It's never as simple as that. I've mentioned it before, if we could choose who we were attracted to, there wouldn't be a big deal in the first place. Homosexuals face a lot of prejudice. Why would you willingly choose to be gay when you could be "natural"?
    Yes, you have a gay friend. I've got a couple. But I've talked about this topic extensively with them. Perhaps you should try it too. Ask your friend if he chose to be gay. And if he could choose to be heterosexual with a snap of his fingers. See what he says.
  11. Elindrell

    Elindrell Level I

    Dec 18, 2007
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    Yes, maybe biological makeup does force us to like some things more than others ( In this case, Males more than Females) but you DO have a choice of who/what you're attracted to. If we DON'T have a choice in who/what we're attracted to, I think the world would be a very hectic place indeed.

    Ok, so maybe homosexual people were considered outcasts and the target of heaps of stereotypical prejudice, but nowhere as much as they USED to in the past. Nowadays, they are generally accepted as another kind of people, almost like another race if you like.

    Over in Australia, Emos cop it more than homos do.

    And Yes. My friend DID choose to be gay. He is proud to be gay.

    And would NOT like to turn normal.

    If you want his exact response:

    "No way dude. This is how I choose to be, you dig? I am a proud homosexual, and whatever other people says to me, I ain't changing for nobody."

    And yes. I am aware of homosexuals who did NOT have a choice between being normal and gay, but thats a minority.

    In my opinion, biological makeup plays very LITTLE part in determining a person's choice.

    It is more based on your state of mind, Outside Influences and Physiological factors.

    These all combine to give you a CHOICE, since these are mental effects, and not based on primal instinct.

    And don't take it personally, I'm just offering my opinion on this topic. :)
  12. noncheatercheater

    Jun 3, 2007
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    First of all, "a gay"? What the hell is that? "a gay"?? We are people. Not "gays". Okay?

    You can argue that "he chose to be gay because nature makes him feel more comfortable to be gay".. can you explain that one?

    No one chooses to be discriminated against. Yes, todays society is way more accepting than they were even ten years ago, but NO ONE chooses to be gay bashed.

    Homosexuality is one of those things where there's no ONE reason. There's a billion reasons. I wish people would stop trying to simplify it because it just makes things worse. There's no debate if everyone knows there's more than one way things can happen. But people are so egg headed into thinking "it's this way or no way" and it's always two sided. There's more than two sides this! ya get me?!
  13. Commy

    Commy Moderator
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    Aug 11, 2007
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    The world is a very hectic place. No, I'm still sticking by the point you don't choose who you are attracted to. Try reading this website
    Like i've said, you can make a choice of living a gay lifestyle, but you can't make a choice of who you are attracted to. What do you find more delicious? A steak or a salad? It's subjective because each person may find one or the other more delicious. But you base it on your taste, it's not something you can change, with a snap of your finger. While it's not exactly the same as who we are attracted to, it does give you an idea.
    If we could choose who we were attracted to, there wouldn't ever be a need to classify the types "homosexual", "bisexual"and "heterosexual". There wouldn't be a prejudice against gay people.
    Yes, while homosexuality is more accepted, it is still frowned upon, and they aren't treated equally globally. I live in Australia, and my friend got kicked out of his house when he came out to his parents. So sure, while it may be more accepted, it's not accepted wholly. If that was the case, why was there such a big row over lesbians granted IVF treatment that you may have read a few days ago in the Herald Sun? Why isn't gay marriage allowed in Australia? While they are making steps towards greater acceptance, like gay partnership registration, they are not generally accepted as another kind of people.
    But wait, emos are allowed to marry, emos are allowed to get IVF treatment. Emos who have had sex within the last twelve months are allowed to donate blood. It seems that homosexuals cop a lot more than emos.
    I'm not taking it personally, I'm not gay. But like I've said, I have people in my group who are, and I care about them. Of course, being gay is a lifestyle as well and sexual preference is a part of it.Like it says in that site I gave you
    Yes, your friend has chosen to be gay. But you should ask your friend "Can you choose who you are attracted to? Can you choose to be attracted to women if the desire arises?" That is something you aren't given a choice to. You either find that person attractive or not. Even if your friend wanted to turn back into "normal" he wouldn't be able to turn himself heterosexual. He wouldn't be able to become attracted to women.
  14. Elindrell

    Elindrell Level I

    Dec 18, 2007
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    Yes, ok, I agree on the point that you cannot go back once you've made a decision like that, but I still think the
    INITIAL DECISION is still yours to make.

    So people DO have a choice you know? I know there are TRUE homosexuals who were born that way, and CANNOT choose who they are attracted to, but thats a minority. We're talking about homosexuals in general, not the odd 2 or 3 out of 100.

    So you can't really blame your tendency's on your DNA, or your biological makeup, it's not really an excuse.

    When have I ever said there was only ONE reason for homosexuality occuring? Read my previous posts, point out anything that I said that indicates that I believe that homosexuality occurs because of one single reason. Of course theres more than 1 side to the story, thats what we're arguing right now right? And I understand that, I recommend you read my posts more carefully.
  15. Commy

    Commy Moderator
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    Aug 11, 2007
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    Okay, for most homosexuals, no, not even the initial decision is yours to make. You don't make a conscious decision to turn gay, not a person who is a true homosexual. Surely, if such an initial decision was made, you could simply change it? It doesn't work that way. There are people who choose to enter a gay relationship, but are still heterosexual.
    That was taken from this website. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/glb ... life/59951 And that site just backs my decision that you can choose to be "gay" but you can't choose who you are attracted to.
    And on that site, here's a quote from someone who "chose" to be gay, but wasn't a homosexual
    These people were "gay" because it was fun, it was shocking, or for another reason other than they were attracted to the same sex.
    How can you know that? How do you know the majority of homosexuals chose to be homosexuals? Is there some survey or statistic that you based that "2 or 3 out of 100" on? It was always my idea that people who were gay by choice were in the minority. But if you could bring up some site that supports your statistic, i'd be open to reading it.I mean, it may not mean much, but here's another website about being a homosexual by choice
    http://lesbianlife.about.com/od/comingo ... Choice.htm
    And here's a quote from that site supporting my argument
    Yes, it isn't conclusive, but most homosexuals believe that it isn't a choice.
    It was never an excuse. It was a reason of what made a person gay. Other factors may have contributed, but in the end I believe that it was never a choice for most homosexuals to be homosexuals.
  16. yankeesrule1

    yankeesrule1 Level I

    Jan 5, 2008
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    I believe people should have the right to choose what/who they like. Gays and lesbians should have the same rights as us.
  17. lnconcise

    lnconcise Level III

    Dec 7, 2006
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    I THOUGHT I was okay with homosexuality...and i still am..
    but it's very awkward when a girl hits on you x-x
  18. finalfan

    finalfan Level I

    Dec 16, 2007
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    well you need to look at the big picture here there is two sex's male and female for a reason i think it is wrong on so many lvl's that if i even begin to speak my mind i'll be banned for what i say.
  19. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    So you're also saying that no one should have sex for other reasons than reproduction?
  20. lnconcise

    lnconcise Level III

    Dec 7, 2006
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    I've read somewhere that there is a specific genetic marker on the x chromosome that is linked to homosexuality.

    The theory's been disputed, but whatevs.
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