
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by hollywooddramanut, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. hollywooddramanut

    hollywooddramanut Level III

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Im having trouble researching the term 'modernism'. I know it has something to do with the revolution of art but thats not really enough to help me.

    Im writing an essay about 'the contributions to the development of theatre that Samuel Beckett has made since modernism.'
    I am using his play "Waiting for Godot" as a basis for my argument. I can discuss his style and technique but until i get a firm grasp on 'modernism' i cant really fully adress the question.

    Any help?
  2. goldfishrockster

    goldfishrockster Level III

    Jan 11, 2007
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    Leeds, England
    Basically, the modernist movement argued that the new realities of the industrial and mechanized age were permanent and imminent, and that people should adapt their world view to accept that the new equaled the good, the true and the beautiful. Embracing change and the present, modernism encompasses the works of thinkers who rebelled against nineteenth century academic and historicist traditions, believing the "traditional" forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organization and daily life were becoming outdated; they directly confronted the new economic, social and political aspects of an emerging fully industrialized world.

    Modernism is basically a trend of thought that goes along the lines of affirming the power of human beings to reshape (and create and improve) the environment around them, usually with the aid of scientific knowledge, technology and practical experimentation It is because of that it is considered both progressive and optimistic.

    Modernism encouraged the re-examination of every aspect of existence, from commerce to philosophy, with the goal of finding that which was "holding back" progress, and replacing it with new, progressive and therefore better, ways of reaching the same end.

    This is a summary I used throughout the year in my English Literature module of Theory and Practice of Criticism, in terms of Godot (good choice by the way) You can bring in the fact that the Vladimir and Estragon are waiting, therefore not progressing, and draw a parallels between that and modernist theory. Vladimir muses on religious and philosophical matters, looking at the sky and appears to be restless, where as Estragon just dozes off. You could even consider Vladimir representational of the new modernist movement and Estragon of the old school.

    Hope this helps, don't hesitate to PM me if you need anything else.
  3. hollywooddramanut

    hollywooddramanut Level III

    Jun 28, 2007
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    thankingyou kindly.

    I realised why its a bit sticky to research as everyone seems to have a different opinion on when it began and ended or what is considered modernism. either way, i now have A BETTER

    OOPS caps

    a better understanding im good now thanks :D
  4. sweetnshort

    sweetnshort Newbie

    Feb 20, 2008
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    you can always go to wikipedia