Hi there, i'm new to SCAR, but it looks like TurboPascal or even QBasic in my early PC-Days... i got this script with the SCAR-Download: Spoiler program peanut; var x,y: Integer; procedure Start; begin repeat SendArrowSilent(3); SendArrowSilent(1); until(GetColor(161, 350) = 255); SendArrowSilent(0); end; procedure DoubleBackFlip; begin SendArrowSilent(3); SendArrowSilent(1); SendArrowSilent(3); SendArrowSilent(1); SendArrowSilent(0); end; procedure The; begin repeat SendArrowSilent(1); Wait(50); until(GetColor(350, 240) = 16676470); repeat if (FindColor(x, y, 3568020, 383, 200, 493, 308)) then DoubleBackFlip; if (FindColor(x, y, 6189691, 1, 85, 500, 400)) then DoubleBackFlip; until(getcolor(112, 117) = 14777660) MoveMouseSmooth(156, 115); ClickMouse(156, 115, True); end; begin repeat Start; Wait(5000); The; until(getcolor(58,223)=16777215); end. The problem was in the "the" procedure for me... until(getcolor(112,117) etc... this is a fix spot i think, and my windows seems not to fit for this adress... so i tried to change it, that it looks in an area for this blue color "start next round" is written in... than i want the mouse to move there and klick were it found this color... then wait a random time betwenn 750 and 1500 ms and start again with the main programm... i modified the sction this way: Spoiler repeat if (FindColor(x, y, 3568020, 383, 200, 493, 308)) then DoubleBackFlip; if (FindColor(x, y, 6189691, 1, 85, 500, 400)) then DoubleBackFlip; until(FindColor(x, y, 8688755, 230, 30, 250, 60)); FindColor(x, y, 14777660, 104, 111, 209, 129)) MoveMouseSmooth(x, y); ClickMouse(x, y, True); wait(750 + random(750)); this produces the following error: Failed when compiling Line 34: [Error] (34:46): Identifier expected in script F:\Programme\SCAR 3.14\Scripts\Neopets\peanut.scar so what is my mistakes?
FindColor(x, y, 14777660, 104, 111, 209, 129)) replace this with: FindColor(x, y, 14777660, 104, 111, 209, 129);
thanks a lot... it works now... but only for one run... this part: Spoiler FindColor(x, y, 14777660, 104, 111, 209, 129); MoveMouseSmooth(x, y); ClickMouse(x, y, True); wait(750 + random(750)); was supposed to do the following: - look in the upper left for the light blue words "start next round" - give the coordinates to x and y - move the mouse right there an click... - the wait a random time the script than should start again with the start procedure and finish the next run... but in fact, it seem not to do anything after the first run, so time runs out and the game quits the try...
Another point: As I recall, neopets implemented color change sometimes back. This means you'll have to either set a tolerance or use the getcolor function.