Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by peanutpunk, Mar 14, 2008.


Who will you be voting for?

  1. Hillary Clinton

    13 vote(s)
  2. Barack Obama

    21 vote(s)
  1. peanutpunk

    peanutpunk Level II

    Jun 14, 2007
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    kay woop woop! i just turned 18 this past december and that means that I GET TO VOTE in this "history making election".

    So my question is... or rather questions are:

    What party do you belong to?
    If Democratic, who will you vote for, Hillary or Obama? why?

    Well I like to consider myself a conservative democrat, why? well I believe in the death penalty. any way I recently voted in the Texas Primary and Caucus for Hillary... it was a thin line between them two, because they are pretty much going for the same things. I just so happen to trust Hillary more... now now before you get all crazy about it, it's not because obama is black, actually he's not really black, he's white and something... i really dont care. I don't think he's experienced enough and there's just some thing about him that i cant put my finger on, but i just dont trust him. I also don't like the fact that many of the obama supporters that I talk to and ask why they are voting for him tell me, "well damn i dunno, cuz he's a " or "duh cuz he black"..... THAT IS NOT A GOOD REASON!!!! any way i've done most of my whinning, now it's ur turn!
  2. Tofurky

    Tofurky Level IV

    Apr 3, 2007
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    New Jersey
    First of all, are you aware of how many great leaders had little - no political experience? A LOT.
    Also, you make a completely irrational point that you 'just don't trust him.' There is NO reason ANYONE should think that. And what makes you think you can trust Hilary more than him? She pretends to be close to Bill Clinton, yet they live in separate houses. She's acting.

    And you obviously are a somewhat racist person because I will bet $100 that you've never heard someone say "well damn i dunno, cuz he's a " or "duh cuz he black." You obviously had people tell you that's why African Americans are voting for him. And WHY DID YOU ADD IN CURSES? No one said them when talking to you, and you make Obama and his supporters seem like worse people.

    Yes, some African Americans may favor him because of his race, but some women favor Hilary because she is a women. In both cases though, these people have other reasons to support them as well.

    I'm really astonished at your generalizations. And from your argument, it seems like you picked Hilary because you didn't like Obama. Not because you actually liked her.
  3. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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    I would never in a million years vote for hillary clinton. If you shouldn't trust anyone its her. She is so shady about her campaign. She pretty much used bill clinton to get in the political spotlight. She CRIED during TWO debates... WTF...

    I'm going with Obama. As much as I would like to see a woman president, it can wait till someone more deserving runs.

    I think Obama has some great policies and I am looking forward to seeing some changes and one again getting a democrat into the white house.

    Even though I think He is riding on the race card, and needs to move on.
  4. Tofurky

    Tofurky Level IV

    Apr 3, 2007
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    New Jersey
    I don't think that's only what Obama is "riding on." Most people want to get out of Iraq ASAP, and Obama's the best canidate for accomplishing that.

    The crying in the debate was planned. So was her coughing fit in that interview (I do not remember the date). But yes, she is using Bill Clinton. It is a relationship of utility, not of love.

    It's kind of unfair to say that Hilary won't make any changes, but I do agree that the changes Obama plans to make will be better for this country.
  5. Angelika

    Angelika Moderator

    Dec 25, 2006
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    You sound so ignorant. He's Kenyan American= black + white. And your grounds for your decision aren't even supported by facts. How can you trust someone more than the other if you're not even aware of their stance on the issues? A lack of informed voters is why we've been stuck with Bush these last eight years. The poll also doesn't include the Republican candidates. You should either change your title to 2008 Democratic Election or add John McCain to the options.

    Personally, I'm voting for Obama. He's our best chance at putting an end to the useless war we're fighting right now. I agree whole heartedly with everything Tofurky said. Clinton is putting on an act. Sure, the candidates have to have a bit of dramaturgy because they're in the public eye constantly, but she is just too much. I really don't believe anything she says. And I don't think Obama is riding on the race card. I do think that he is proud of his heritage, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  6. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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  7. silverstreak12

    silverstreak12 Level I

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Well, I think it's safe to say that I'm outnumbered, but I respect everyone's opinions. Personally, I'd rather have Clinton for president and Obama as vice, because:
    1) There is NO way that Clinton would run for vice, she's been there and done that
    2) Having two intelligent, non-war-crazy, ethical people in charge would be nice
    3) They both stand pretty much the same on most of the issues
    4) I do NOT want McCain as president. Not at all.

    If I could have Obama as president and Clinton as vice, then I'd go with that, But it's just not realistic.
  8. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Clinton. And where I live, I'm pretty much the only one.

    I'm pretty surprised that punkeydew described her as shady- if anyone is shady, I'd think it was Obama. Plagiarism, anti-american religious views, incomprehensive and hypocritical stands, I could go on and on and on. Not to mention that it's pretty obvious how much of a puppet he is.
  9. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    I don't know enough about the candidates to participate in this debate, but I am curious what "anti-american religious views" are. Would you care to elaborate?
  10. Phee

    Phee Moderator
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    Aug 18, 2007
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    Obama'a close friend of more than 20 years and his faithful pastor is anti-american. Look it up on youtube, you'll probably find a bunch of clips of his sermons. They're all about the "racist" and "supremist" white government etc. etc. etc. It's ridiculous.
  11. silverstreak12

    silverstreak12 Level I

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Er... it's a little bit biased to say that a religion is American or un-American, because even though we a re predominantly Christian, we have pretty much all religions, no national religion, and no law saying you can't practice ___ or ___.

    America has no religion, so there can't really be anti-american religions. (From a technical viewpoint, anyway)
  12. Phee

    Phee Moderator
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    Aug 18, 2007
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    Read my words more caerfully. He's AGAINST the supposed white government. And like I said, he's a pastor that speaks out in his sermons.

    Isn't it amazing how ACTUALLY READING can accomplish so much.
  13. Ropi

    Ropi Level II

    Dec 19, 2007
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    I go with obama... don't really know why, but i like him more than hillary...

    in germany why got a female chancelor... and i'm not really satisfied with her doing... perhaps that's why I'd prefer obama...

    this shall not be sexual offensiv... it's just my opinion...
  14. xcoasterx

    xcoasterx Level II

    Aug 5, 2007
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    Obama for the win. I'm amazed that he brought up the race topic!
  15. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Canada Eh!
    Wow America has come down with two potential presidentail candidates that will right history down forever. HIllary being the first woman President or will it be Barrack the first African american president? if i had to choose it would probably be Barrack Obama partially because i think he is just a generally nice guy. but Mccain has it all panned out cant wait to see what happens.
  16. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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    I have read up on this subject. And I think that anyone with a brain can understand that the media in america is BIASED. And when you are getting any information whatso ever from you tube that can not be trusted. The pastor in question here admits that his sermon had some racially challenged statements. But that the videos that surfaced were twisted to make it seem like that is all they were. They only took certain clips and phrases and put them together. The clips do not include the whole sermon.

    Obama also admits he was not present that night. And a single person can not be responsible for the actions of others.

    And though I am not religious I think obama is honorable in stateing that he will not just abandon these people because they may have hurt his campaign.
  17. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Well said. Not everyone you're associated with will be perfect. You can't be judged too harshly by the actions of those you are associated with either.
  18. Phee

    Phee Moderator
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    Aug 18, 2007
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    That's very true and I do agree, but it gives me doubt on his judgement when he chooses to so deeply committed to a pastor that has such extreme views. And I for one can't think of ANY possible suitable context for many his words.
  19. peanutpunk

    peanutpunk Level II

    Jun 14, 2007
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    that's my point they're pretty much the same thing!!!!just in different bodies!!!! it wouldnt matter which would president i just like hillary better...

    YES SHE'S USING BILL FOR HIS NAME!!!! yes i get that so quit throwing that in my damn face as if i didn't know! that's one of the reasons i chose her, i like her cunningness.

    aren't we all a little prejudice? :) every one is no matter how much you swear you're not. and i live in east dallas aka the ghetto side aka the hood, how do you think i wouldn't get such ignorant answers like those? again i used the "n" word because that's EXACTLY how they put it.... im sorry for asking the ghetto ppl.

    so im ignorant because i didn't bother to look up his heritage because i think that race shouldn't matter? does it really matter? DOES IT!? i dont care if our president is purple! he's ,(wait i got to be politically correct)or she's, still human. and i didn't put in McCain because really majority rules, america doesn't want another bush. and the war??? I don't want another vietnam. can we really continue to be a world power if we back out of another war? what kind of message are we sending to the other countries if we lose another war? because last time i checked leaving is losing. but now that i think about it... the big down side i see with hillary is the fact that she IS a woman. think about it, women in the middle east aren't really respected... so that might be a problem. :p
  20. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Now you just sound even more ignorant.

    First off, race SHOULDN'T matter, but obviously it does. That's why 80% of black democrats are voting for Obama, and it's split about 50/50 for the whites! In addition, it's absurd that you'd actually say the words, 'hes white and something' and expect to be taken seriously. For one, that's a pretty offensive way to word it, and secondly, you obviously DO think race matters, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it. In addition, it would have taken you all of about 2 seconds to stop being so lazy and google Obama's ethnicity. And to type in correct grammar that doesn't sound like a twelve-year-old tween.

    Secondly, if you're for the war, then why are you supporting Hilary? Both her and Obama, and the whole Democratic party for that matter, is against the war. If you 'don't want another Vietnam,' then support a Republican. Vote for someone whom you believe in and agree with, instead of deciding who you support on the basis of 'majority rules' and what the rest of America wants. Your views completely contradict each other.

    Finally, that crap about women not being respected in the middle east? That's a complete generalization and utter bullshit. Benazir Bhutto, anyone? Not to mention the multitude of female prime ministers, vice presidents, directors, heads, etc. of many many middle eastern countries. And COUNTLESS women are beloved martyrs. Your opinion is founded on the popular image spread by the media, because while it's true that in the past females led severely disadvantaged and unequal lives, it is ABSOLUTELY un-fucking-acceptable for you to claim that Hilary's being a women is a problem because 'women in the middle east aren't respected at all.'

    Check your facts before making such radical and outrageous statements, mmkay?