Gee...I don't know. Try listening to the song really carefully. I've heard that press refresh and start again really helps
uhm, I think the whole point is that there only is one level of the game... It's called "You have to burn the rope", and... well, once you've burnt the rope and killed the boss that's it! Stupid, I know. :lol:
No need for the sarcasm. Also, it would be a bit difficult for me to listen to the song as I don't have sound on my pc.
The song in the game is so funny! xD it sort of reveals the meaning of the game too, but of course, if you don't have any sound turned on (as I didn't the first time I played) it might be difficult to understand why the game ends so abruptly. unless you read the text in the end, which I usually don't do either. ;9
If you are offended, I'll apologize. That sarcasm was based on the fact that you had listened to the song, especially since I was quoting part of the song. But if you had read the lyrics that appeared along with the song, you would also have known that it was the end.
Yep, was a bit offended. But hey these things happen! Next time I will make sure to read what happens on the screen instead of ignoring it all like I usually do. :yup: Back on topic: I thought this one was easy peasy unlike that other one you posted. Got annoyed with it on the first level. Don't think I have the patience for games like that. >