Does anyone else here play any of the games in the HoMM series? If so, which is your favorite game, creature and castle? please do not double post - lazypando
Omfg. That's like my favorite game. I usually play with my best friend, and I'm always Rampart. Realm of Chaos = favorite level. But please, don't double post.
wow, cool! my favorite game at the moment is Heroes V, favorite creature is Black dragon, and favorite castle is Dungeon (even though it has a different name in Heroes V)! oh okay, so maximum is one post per time? two or more posts in a row is forbidden? I get it now, finally! :lol:
Yeah it is. You'll probably still get a warning or even two for that I play Heroes 3, I didn't like 4 so didn't even try 5
Okay, lol. well, it takes a while to get accustomed to the site. I agree, Heroes IV was really bad... I still own it tho because I'm a collector of the series, lol. xD But trust me, Heroes V is much better than the previous! Still, Heroes III is a classic!
I still have III, though I've only sampled V. My favorite was a tear between the Inferno and the Tower in III but my beef with the Inferno was they only got one ranged attack unit and he sucked. Edit* Though I must admit Archdevils and/or Master Genies I loved. I got out of the habit of playing though because somehow the AI always managed to amass armies that were five times the size of anything you got and then promptly wiped the floor with you. Maybe they somehow got the grail or whatever the legend item was, but still. I usually lost brutally. lol
wow, you must be really good at the game then! I win sometimes, but certainly not always... thanks for the logistics tips though! It might help a bit!
It's just about what you like. In bigger maps logistics surely is handy, because that way you always have an advantage over the opponents.
Oh god, HoMM III took over my life for a while but i havent played it in ages. I always used to play Inferno for the sole reason of massing devils, they were so awesome :3 I've ordered HoMM 5 recently so I hope that'll be good.
yeah, I know! It took over mine too, lol. xD I've also got the "Hammers of Fate" expansion pack and I'm thinking of getting the second expansion to the Heroes V game. Has anyone here played it?
i used to play this game i can hoot with it for entire 16 hours until i feel sleepy..... this is one of best addicted non-online game so far but it was a old game already still rated as worth to try/play!!! :arf:
I've played V now and its pretty good but not as good i'd expected, its basically III with shiny graphics and ever so slightly altered gameplay, Its still a good game, i think i was just expecting more.
I bought Heroes of might and magic V - Tribes of the East, I LOVE the game!! It's awesome! The orcs are really cool, and all "old" creatures get a third upgrade! You guys should definately check it out!