
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by soccermadness90, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. xcoasterx

    xcoasterx Level II

    Aug 5, 2007
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    I do agree with abortion. For once, what if a young girl is raped, and gets pregnant. Not only could she be scarred for life and not trust men but she will have to experience the pain of child birth (unless she gets a c section) or she might have to live with the horrible outcome of giving the child away and being given a bad status. If a baby was to kill a mother for a medical reason then why have the baby and kill the mother. The mother is already here on earth, another baby can be created.
  2. Limmum

    Limmum Newbie

    Mar 3, 2008
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    I pro-choice. It's absolutely none of my business wether a woman decides to give up her baby. The world still spins and goes about it's natural course.
  3. Wonderwall

    Wonderwall Level I

    Dec 21, 2006
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    pro-choice; woman's body, woman's choice. i look down upon the woman who abuse this like it means nothing, but it's understandable that mistakes, accidents, and extreme circumstances happen, and someone shouldn't have to be punished if that is the case.
  4. lub

    lub Newbie

    Mar 11, 2008
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    In your pants ;D
    Well, my opinion is that if you abort your baby, it doesn't make it where you have no baby...it makes you the mother of a DEAD baby. Fetus or not, they could have grown up still even in another family. Just my opinion! ^-^
  5. Tofurky

    Tofurky Level IV

    Apr 3, 2007
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    New Jersey
    Let's say you take a Morning-After Pill (which you can take the day after you think there's a possibility of getting pregnant). Can something smaller than the tip of a pin grow up in your family?

    Also, let's say you let those few cells live, grow, and develop.
    If you're teenager or college student, having a baby at this stage would not only ruin your life, but the baby's. You would not be able to do many of the things you wanted to, and unless your parents are filthy rich, you will not be able to support yourself and the baby. The mother will have to work long hours, because it is almost impossible to find a good paying job without a college diploma. The baby will lack in love and nurture, affecting the rest of it's life.

    Does that sound great to you?

    Pro-choice does not mean that you will abort everyone's baby. It means that if you want to, you can.
    I find it funny that many conservatives, who generally consider themselves more patriotic than democrats, do not believe in the freedom to choice how the rest of your life will be.
  6. cokaine

    cokaine Level III

    Dec 3, 2007
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    No, its not cruel to kill the cells, but yes it is if u kill a baby when its nearly born =/
    most people get abortion its either they;re to young or they dont want kids yet!
  7. Khang685

    Khang685 Newbie

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Once the egg has been fertilized, the fact that it has the capability to grow into a human means that there is already some life form in them, and by aborting it, we would be commiting a sin akin to murder of a healthy human being, depriving them of a chance to live.
  8. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    I don't think a mother should abort unless she is very early in her pregnancy. I do believe however that if the mother's life is in danger, then an abortion should become the choice of the mother.

    I'm not gonna provide any justification as this is just my view on life. Once a course of life has started, we should leave it as is.
  9. 9ontheriver

    9ontheriver Level I

    Mar 22, 2008
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    I think abortions ae wrong why not put them in a home after havong them?
  10. idea

    idea Newbie

    Mar 24, 2008
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    My sister just recently got an abortion, i personally don't think it's wrong.. if it isen't wanted.
  11. Jane

    Jane Level IV

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Pwning the world one step at a time
    Abortion should be fine as long as the woman is willing to give up the baby. Nothing wrong with that.
  12. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Canada Eh!
    Well some people say no because they believe the fetus inside the mother is living. this is the hardest thing to prove, if they are not considered human beings then by all means abort them but at the same time if they are human will the doc be charged with murder?. Iam currently a law student and this debate gets thrown out at me alot and all i have to say is that there is no legal presedence to determine at what age a fetus is considered to be a human being. this is why in Canada we did not Criminalize it because our government does not want to deal with this heavy topic. any ways before keep rambling on my personal belief is that its wrong and a baby if not wanted should be placed up for adoption rather than aborted.
  13. Ephemeral

    Ephemeral Level II

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I have a really hard time with abortion. Intuitively, I feel like I'm against it, and I think it's as a result of my Catholic upbringing. At the same time, I don't think I could look a girl who had been raped in the face and say, "No, you have to keep it." If I was forced to decide on abortion, I think I would allow it in limited circumstances. I think it's fair to say that we don't want to encourage irresponsible behavior, but in the case of rape, I think an exception is necessary.
  14. officegirl

    officegirl Level I

    Apr 11, 2008
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    I am *definately* pro choice, and I believe that every woman has the right to make any decision she feels she needs to about her body, including when and where to have sex and when and where to have kids.

    *Having said that*: I'm always bugged by two part of the abortion law as it's applied here in South Africa:

    1.) The father gets no say. Now it may be argued that the father (and I only say this when we're talking about consentual intercourse) is not the one who'll be putting his life in danger (coz child bearing does have risks involved for the bearing mother), but I do feel that, since the baby is still half his, he should at least have one quarter of the say... now how do I get that? Equation:
    The mother = 1 whole and the baby = 1 whole, that's 4 quarters that make up this equation. The mother has exclusive say over her body, so she gets the entire whole there (2 quarters, or halve) goes to her automatically. Further, the baby is half hers, so another quarter is added there, leaving one quarter for the father.

    So yeah, I just feel that fathers should be involved too. Like I know a guy whose fiance became pregnant. She wanted to have an abortion, as she didn't want to raise a child. He convinced (read: begged) her to have it, and made her pregnancy one luxury after another, and then *he* took the child and is raising her, and they're both ecstatically happy, and the mother isn't in the picture anymore, coz she didn't want to be.

    2.) Here in SA, a girl as young as 12 can get an abortion without parental consent. Now, girls at age 12 shouldn't even be sexually active, so there's my first problem. The other thing is, many school girls use abortion as a kind of birth control... instead of trying to convince the guy to use a condom or using the Pill, they say that they can just abort, should they fall pregnant. The flipside of this is that sexual irresponsibility and diseases are rifer here (you only need to look at our AIDS stats, we have the highest infection rate globally, and growing).

    So, YES, I totally support abortion, for *whatever* reason, but I do think that these issues need to be looked at and solved in a way that is still humane and so on.

    Okay, I'm done now, thanks for the geography lesson! :lol:
  15. lucasgrabeelrocks

    Apr 3, 2008
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    I think abortion should be legal with restrictions.

    Obviously, right before a baby is born, that would be really immoral at that point
    to get an abortion... And I also agree with the above post that
    it would be horrible to get an abortion of a mean of birth control.
  16. draikwarrior92

    Apr 12, 2008
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    I disagree if you know about the baby then you should not kill it, unless rape or something is terribly wrong with the baby in which in case it may end up dying, you dont want a baby to suffer then yes it ok on special occasions.
  17. Lucility

    Lucility Level I

    Apr 13, 2008
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    It's hardly a baby at the time though, more so a foetus.
    I don't think it's fair to bring a baby into the world that isn't wanted or can't be properly cared for.
  18. mememe

    mememe Newbie

    Apr 13, 2008
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    thats not true
    a baby is a living thing from the moment it is made. they can see, feel, and stuff.
    aborting it is like mudering a baby, although its worse cos that baby neva got a chance to try and grow on yhu
  19. lucasgrabeelrocks

    Apr 3, 2008
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    but babies are so dumb, they are just like animals such as cows and pigs.

    if we can murder those animals, we can murder babies too.
  20. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    The baby cannot live on it's own, how is that anything else than a tumor or parasite? Just because it have the potential to become a self-sufficent living and thinking being? Are we going to make vasectomies illegal next, just because the man won't be able to make women pregnant, vasting the sperms that could lead to potential life?