Suggestion and Questions

Discussion in 'Neopets Program Discussion' started by mass2chaos, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. mass2chaos

    mass2chaos Newbie

    Mar 30, 2008
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    This has probably been recommended before but...
    Would it be possible to write a Web Based ABer? Maybe in Ruby or Java? I would image that it would take very little time to build because with web apps its really easy to make a good looking GUI. There would also be no problems with other operating systems using them. But I guess it would be difficult for a user to "Buy" the web app at the downloads page... Perhaps you could give the user a password to access the web app after buying it, but then people would share passwords. Maybe you can make it so you can log in using your NeoFriends account.
    Question 1:
    If I used Darwine or Crossover to wine port or emulate the Windows environment would I be able to run one of the programs on Mac? I have used Darwine and Crossover to use IE and uTorrent on Mac so I could imagine it working with ABers....
    Question 2:
    Why are there no Mac apps? Is it lack of coders or developers? Or is it lack of Mac users? Is it that Mac apps can't do it or what?
  2. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 10, 2006
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    Ok, first of all, a web based Aber is not impossible to make, but would be totally useless without JavaScript. I could code it, but I don't have enough time... And well, it's not easy, even if designing the layout might look simple. PHP + JavaScript + HTML, not a fast developing program...
    Also, Mac users are not as many as Windows ones. This is why there are almost no programs for Mac, but I think you can use Wine or programs like that to run them correctly.
  3. mass2chaos

    mass2chaos Newbie

    Mar 30, 2008
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    Alright thanks for the feedback. I'll try using Wine to use an ABer (Once I get one...) and I'll get back to you. Although I might not have enough cash for the next few days and then get accused of gravedigging this tread with the results...

    2nd post:

    I tried opening the AutoPricer you (ricky92) made using CrossOver but it didn't work. Do you think that it just won't work or is it a CrossOver problem? I believe that CrossOver is basically Darwine just with a GUI. I don't know but I'll try it with Darwine and see what happens. If all else fails... Parallels.

    Edit: The problem might be that my Wine doesn't have .NET installed. I'll go install .NET and try it again.

    Do not doublepost. Please edit your first post. -Phee
  4. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    I am not really smart in this field but here goes:

    Maybe a web-based app would be easier to dectect? And I think VB6 and other might be easier than Java, but I don't know for sure. I know oyu have Wine, but you can try to get a cracked version of Bootcamp or just buy it, its really nice, and you can run .exe files on a Mac, so it would work there, if you know what wine is I'm sure you know about Bootcamp. Its peobably the lack of Mac users, and the fast that people are familar with Windows... Hope that helps a little!
  5. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    I program in Java, so my programs are fairly easy to port to a web application. Most (me being one of the few exceptions) of the programmers here program in Windows languages so they don't run well on Macs.

    1. Theoretically, you *should* be able to (I've never personally tried)
    2. Lack of coders who code in langauges portable to Macs (or are simply too lazy to do so :p )