I think the coder colored font overrides the red font and maybe you cant see the forum is because you have a level 2 award? Not sure. EDIT: Also its because you're not added to the Level 3 Group XD
Yeah... I asked the mods about this account (test123) a while ago. Because at the time, you were also in the global moderator group =O They told me that test123 was expon's and pando's (or some mod's, not quite sure which) test account long time ago. That's why I was surprised when this account was being active around the forum recently. Go figure
i don't know which mod told you that but it isn't the case expon DID have a test account but i can't remember (nor find) the name) as to your level 3 status, i guess it still stands...you must have been removed from the usergroup due to inactivity but your award never got removed
I think the account name was , so maybe someone got confused along the way due to the 'test' part being in both names.