I strongly believe that gay marriages reserve the right to burn in hell for eternity. I'm not forcing it on anyone or even attempting to bash gays (thought I would if it were allowed), I'm just stating my belief.
I voted yes because of a few reasons. Basically marriage is for money purposes only. In the old times people would marry off their children so that they would merge with another family and become richer. Even now marriage is less for love and more for money (i.e. who wants to marry a millionaire, anna nicole smith, etc) plus spouses are a tax write off [woo]. Not to mention years before interracial couples were denied marriage [wtfxup with that?] Gay people should have the same rights as everyone because no matter what they are human, and what ever happened with the separation of church and state? The hypocrisy....
I voted no because I'm just one of those Christian people. I think it should be allowed only in some countries, but not in every single one in the world. I just get a bit confused about how you can be attracted to the same gender
I voted yes. The way I see it, if gay people get married, it doesn't affect me at all, so why interfere?
If gays are going to hell they're going to hell, if hell even exists. Denying them marriage isn't going to make them not gay. It doesn't affect anyone. So I don't see why this is an issue.
I'm don't really support gay marriages, but there's nothing you can do to stop gay people from falling in love with each other :?
Yes of course ^^ And about that "It's not natural" thing, we do plenty of things all the time that arn't natural
I vote yes for a lot of the same reason others have. I just don't understand why two people of the same sex can't fall in love and get married. It's nobodies business but their own, just as it is for those of the opposite sex.
Most of the people who say no are religious. Those who say nothing about homosexuals being mentioned in the Bible are wrong. There are at least two mentions I can think of off the top of my head. Go read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and 1 Timothy 1:8-10.
I completely agree. Even if you are religious, thats great, but why would be an obstacle in someone else's life.
In Christianity, it's your job to spread the word of God to others. Not telling others about the word of God, when you're presented with the chance to, is a sin.
There are enough people that consider themselves homosexual that it would be a crime to disallow it. It will certainly be frowned upon by future generations
bt..but i feel its personal freedom..if 2 guys or 2 gals like each other,i dun see why they cant be together,and get people looking at them in a weird way..its just their freedom :wink:
The issue at hand Homosexuality is simply against my religion. However my religion also teaches tolerance and compassion. I do not hate anybody for there personal preferences and prehaps there should be some kind of provision for a legal union but I think, actually, that quite a few conservatives would be more likely to agree to it if it was called something else besides marriage. It is a touchy issue to be sure. However, *heavy sarcasm* The United States Government is absolutley fair, right, and just... ask a Native American or a Japanese American... Seriously though I love my country even if I don't care for the actions of the government sometimes.
I'm neutral about it i guess, it's just that I feel uncomfortable when I'm around homosexual people....maybe I'm homophobic, who knows...
Leviticus Chapter 18 of the Christian Bible and Jewish Torah(?) outline all of the sexual no nos. For what its worth the ROMANS actually had to call the cops on their Christian Ephesian neighbors for sexual... ah gross misconduct so not everybody follows their own rules but just as we are not to judge a person by a sterotype such as sexuality or socio-economic background we shouldn't sterotype on religions. I'm impressed at how respectful everybody is being because normally this erupts into WWIII in other forums. Shall we say opinions are like elbows? Most people have a couple of them and they sometimes bump into others' Goodnight folks and I believe that I'm done with this topic.
hahas...wow,dats a new illness...=p hmm...homosexual people do have their own freedom,just ignore them,let them do what they want,as long as they get in your way and break the law..simple and fair..