WHY???? This is just going to cause them to either a) split the game up onto like 8 dvd's or b) SHORTEN the damn thing just to make it fit for the 360. "Due to frequent rumored release dates cropping up on the internet, Square Enix's official website issued a statement reminding consumers that any "confirmed release dates" reported by sources other than Square Enix are "erroneous and should be disregarded".[2] A Square Enix representative suggested that a release date may be announced during 2008.[24] At E3 2008, during Microsoft's media briefing, it was announced that Final Fantasy XIII would be released first in Japan on the PlayStation 3, then released simultaneously in North America and Europe on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The latter would start development only after the Japanese PlayStation 3 version is finished.[25] A Japanese release of the Xbox 360 version of the game is not planned.[26]" And why oh WHY are they only putting it on the 360 HERE and in Europe?? It's like we're being punished and Japan gets to have the exclusive on PS3. WTH??
I don't think that square enix will compromise the game quality, but this may hinder the release date for north america. I expect to see some delay Edit: Part of your quote says it all 360 development will not start until the japanese PS3 version is done. It will most definitely be on multiple discs though...
That's true, didn't even realize that, lol. Let's just hope they're telling the truth on that and not lying through their teeth like they've been doing for the past year and a half about the exclusivity of the game.
Where does it say ONLY 360???? FFXIII for the 360. w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t LOL Sony didn't buy exclusive rights for any of the FF series. Square Enix just stuck with sony. Now with the capability to expand their fan base and to make alot more money.. Why not? I was never really a big FF fan so... I'm still depending whether I'll get it... for the 360 of course.
lol They usually have to pay A LOT cause Microsoft has such a large fan base, Game developers usually want to put games out on the 360 cause of its large fan base.