Making this to see everyones opinion... and say why you think so =D I've personally used codestones and ray before, and it's sure a pain to start training using codestones AFTER the lab ray screws all the stats up...
I said Lab Ray. It's cheaper in the long run and notice that it tends to train pets a lot faster. Though I've never done a strictly codestone routine, so my answer is somewhat biased.
Depends on what you're looking for... Like you said, the lab can really mess up defence and level, but those two aren't really a necessity unless you haven't yet gotten the faerie abilities. A lot of people I know don't use shields or dual-duty weapons, so defence is meaningless to them. If you want a balanced pet, however, it's best to either go training school all the way or a combination or training school and lab while just evening out whatever levels or defence the lab takes. Neggs are too expensive and usually not worth it. Obviously a given...lab is for those who don't care what species or color pet they have.
I'd be looking stricly for training. I realize how consistent codestones can get, and how pricey and long the training gets as well. Lab is once per day, and is pretty much completely random. It eventually adds up though, which has led to me which way would be best...
No man, I meant what you're looking for in terms of stats... -Summary- Well rounded pet ---> Training School or School/Lab combo High HP/STR and Low LVL/DEF ---> Strictly Lab
Oh... well, I guess that answers my question. I want a rounded pet. *on a side note, was there a war recently? The lab pieces are up by at least 10-20k compared to 2-last year. Poll is open up for open discussion to weigh out the pros and cons, not much progress can be made here.
I've beentold to start with dubloons hen move on to coestones. But people should also try the lb but you better not lab a nicely painted pet :wink:
Ya dubloons for lower levels, then codestones. And all the while use the lab ray. buy a MP and a brush you want to use on your paint so when your done training them with the labray they can be exactly what you want.
Easily the lab ray. Well for strength, movement and hp. If you want level or defense you re better off with other training options, but seriously the lab ray is well worth the price.
The best is Lab Ray, then Academy (for beginners) or Training School, and definately neggs are not very good. Expensive and not much increase in stats.
codestones and Lab Ray by far. The pirate training just takes too long and isn't worth worth the time in the long run...of course on your pets day and its free then I guess its worth it.
i believe that if you want to go for fast training, neggs , labray and codestone all at one go everyday and stuff. non-stop. its the most efficient thing to raise a pet