Race card(no racism or offense intended)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ceneret0023, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. ceneret0023

    ceneret0023 Level III

    Jun 10, 2007
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    under a rock
    In your opinion do you think minorities such as african americans, asians, mexicans, etc. use the race card a little too much?

    e.g. Being a white guy in hs can be tough because anything i say can potentially turned against me, so i'll be walking down the hall talking to my friend and all of the sudden a random person will start getting mad at me for saying something like "I really don't like rap music"...

    /rant/I believe in america we have pretty much abolished racism... now if only other races/minorities/majorities will give up trying to carry it on.... i've got news for minorities (which in america whites are soon to be) you aren't the center of the universe get over it/end rant/

    What does everybody think about this? be you white,african american, asian, mexican, british, a mix of everything? AGAIN NO OFFENSE INTENDED!!!!!!
  2. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Yeah, racism goes both ways, against whites as much as any other ethnicity, but abolished? You have to be joking.
  3. Heya_old

    Heya_old Level IV

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Its horrible really. I think the whites need their own NCAA. i fell that african americans get things 2 ways. Alot of people look at them , and don't trust them, even when they are fine. but then again, when they do alot of crap, they gt away with it, but when a white does it, its all on the news. A prime example of this is much like the yankees and orials game a few days ago. Cabraraa hit a-rod with a pitch by accident (you can tell cause it was a weak, slow change-up. if you want to hit someone, you through your fastest fast ball). Cause of it, the next dy, headlines in neywork read dirty birds. The next day, when jason gimbi (SP) rounded first, he clearly gave brian roberts the middle finger. it was cuaght clearly as could be on tape, but yet, he got away with it. no one wrote about it, he didn't get punished, fined, nothing. If brain roberts had given him the middle finger, ESPN wouldn't of stopped talking about... Same way as it is alot of times with blacks and whites... (no offence meant by this all :)
  4. kelc3949

    kelc3949 Level I

    Aug 15, 2008
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    Well I say SOME Mexicans can be racist against whites too, like some at my school always, always say Down with America?
    Yeah and the mexicans also say " Your just hatin cause im brown" when they get in trouble. I would actaully agree that they do play the racist card alot......but its funny in class lol
  5. omgmelson

    omgmelson Level I

    Feb 16, 2008
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    in my experience, mexicans and the french are the most racist. then maybe some southern whites. i mean think about it. you see asians marrying whites all the time. when do you see a mexican marrying someone else other than their own race? scratch that. go to an amusement park. when do you see a group of mexicans have someone of a different race?

    uhm, never?
  6. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    I agree, read these lyrics from a gangsta rap song :

    I was raised in the hood called what the fuck nigga
    W.C., ya better duck nigga
    Fuck me, you're out of luck nigga

    This shit don't stop, I'm still stackin' my cash
    Out in the backyard with niggaz hidin' crack in they ass
    It's gettin' kinda hot but I ain't leavin' the spot
    Cause don't nobody give a fuck if I'm eatin' or not, nigga

    Fuck how much money you make, they gon' hate
    Ballin' ass nigga, they gon' still treat ya like O.J.
    The stereotypes don't go away
    (Little nigga nice car, where the kilos lay?)
    Po-po wanna send us where the P.O.'s play
    Thinkin' we all get our money the Carlito's Way
    Charles Manson could kill and live to see another day
    But if you're black like Tookie they gon' steal you away

    Racism will never be abolished completely.

    I've heard of mexicans being the most racists but I dunno about French.
  7. CHticker

    CHticker Level I

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Racism will be all around you, like it or not. Half the time, I wouldnt be surprised if the person playing the "race card" is justified.

    It's quite a balance. Some people are genuinely being discriminated, and some people aren't. Each case is different, and that's the predicament.

    Until there's some formula to decide when the race card is justified, there's not much we can do about it but take it one case at a time and use our best judgment. In the end though, yeah, racism is stupid.
  8. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    normally i dont give a shit about one line replies.
    but that one was just fucking shit.
    serously, there were about 5 extremeley well throught out and developed points ( ieven though i didnt exactly see eye to eye with them ) and then your little worm of a reply.

    Seriously, give the people here more repsect and post properly.


    Hell boy, want me to slap you? Rascism is abolished? BulllllllsheTttttTTT.
    rasscism wont be abolished until we've bred so much were all the same bloody colour. and even then were going to pick on something stupid like eye colour.
    Theres always going to be some apprehnsoin and fear either in a small amount in everybody or a large amount in a small population.

    'Playing the race card'? I personally think its warranted most of the time. Cause seriously, if I were living in the states and saw a black dude in a ferrari, I would be like "He probaly did some illegit shit to get taht". So as CHticker said, its often the balancer.

    But to the creator of this topic, I seriously do not agree with your statement.
  9. Raider

    Raider Level II

    Aug 10, 2009
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    It amazes me how much racism there is against white people. We get in trouble for saying anything about color, but africans can say honky and cracker and a whole bunch of other racist comments but its never frowned upon. I couldnt believe that this black woman actually got on the news by saying she recieved a "racial slur" voicemail. Its ridiculous. Slavery is over with, so let it go. The only thing reminding us of the past (Which this generation had NOTHING to do with) is the africans. *Not that I am not saying that there is no die hard rebel white people* Another bs thing is the fact that some people actually have to pay restitution for what our ancestors did. If I was a judge id laugh in someones face for trying to bring that crap to court. Its all about trying to get more free things. Its sad that buisnesses have to hire african americans, even if they are not qualified, just so they dont seem racist. If a white person is smarter than a black person, then the white person should be hired. And "minorities" (which caucasians are fast becoming) have so much benefits and get so much free stuff, its not even funny. What is this world coming to? let it go, and move on, and quit trying to get every little thing you can squeeze out of the white people. That is just exploiting the misery your ancestors went through, and disrespectful. I dont have a problem with black people, but I only have two black friends, and thats because 99% of the population at my school are wannabe gangster and racist to high heaven, and therefor intolerable, only because you cant even say the word black without them trying to jump you or curse you out. If everyone would just quit with all the nonsense, everyone could get along, and we could move past this. Racism will always be there however no matter what, even if we were all the same colour we would find something else to differentiate us. Racism definately goes both ways.
  10. Shawn

    Shawn Level IV

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Somewhere, lah.
    Imma asian.
    Living I'm Asia.

    Wow Shawn. After all this time, you're still spamming? Come on Shawn, you can do better.
  11. Elhoof

    Elhoof Level III

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Out of My mind Back in 5
    Wow, just wow. Racism is not right WHOEVER its against, however some atrocities are at a level at which they may be forgiven but NEVER forgotten, so that we learn from our mistakes in the past. Would you ever tell someone Jewish to forget about The Holocaust? I sincerely hope not.

    While I am totally against the sins of the father passing to the son that does not mean you ignore it or treat it as though it never happened, the idea of racism being a generational problem in any way shape or form is laughable. If you think ignoring the past is a good idea, my advice read 1984. Seriously.

    As to employing people who are under qualified for a job just cause their black or whatever, if you think that is even close to as common as someone not getting a job their qualified for based on their skin color then you are probably beyond help.

    I'm Chinese btw (you would be shocked how common racism is in Asia, its disgustingly amazing, if you could understand some of the things that are said :back: )

    Edit: Specifically on topic, :arf: the race card is probably over-used definitely but the media makes it appear way way more skewed that because the media is pretty much super exaggerates any public-sentiment its entertainment-news *sigh*, its why when public figures pass away the media goes more crazy than the general public feeling.
  12. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    Racism is certainly abolished on a government level, but it still exists between citizens of any country - and I'm not just talking about white people, either. Black people, Asian people, people of Hispanic and Middle Eastern descent can be (and often are) just as racist as any given white person. There does seem to be a particularly big tendency in the African American community to call racism on any adversity they may meet. I have a black friend myself, and I recall him complaining endlessly about how he was passed over for a promotion in lieu of a white person - the simple fact of the matter was that the white person was more qualified, had taken less time off and had been with the company longer - but he still perceived it as racism.

    Still, that being said, racism is still inherent to most of us. A black person in a large group of white people often won't be able to help but feel uncomfortable or at risk even if no one is behaving aggressively, and the same applies to a white person in a large group of black people. However, these feelings and concerns lessen with each generation - with every passing year, in fact. It won't be dreadfully long until we look back at discussions like these and wonder why they were ever necessary.
  13. draze

    draze Level II

    Aug 11, 2009
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    This is a very touchy subject for a lot of people... I do feel it goes both ways... It seems at times the majority is more of a minority than the minorities...

    For example, in a lot of circumstances (job or school applications for example) if you have similarly qualified individuals and one is a minority, the minority will always be selected because of regulations/mandates/quotas etc... They do not even have to be equally qualified, if the majority has a slightly higher education and is more qualified, but the minority meets the qualifications of the job, the minority will have a greater chance of getting the job (with the same pay as the majority)...

    I KNOW of at least 10 people that (I'm in the US btw... yes, i'm a yankee) voted for Obama just because he was "black." Most of them (8 of the 10) didn't even agree with what he stood for (policies and such)... One specifically told me "Yeah, I voted for Obama because I wanted to see a minority to finally get in office." I asked, "So, you at least agree with what he stands for, right?" the answer... "No, not really, but I would like to be a part of history." They really voted ONLY because he is black.

    I just think that should be a factor in making these kind of decisions... If you think he's the best candidate (or the minority is in any case) fine, i can agree with that and will likely support that person as well, but I will NOT support a person just because I feel bad they are a minority and always get the raw end of the deal as one... Because i do not think they do.

    If a minority is not hired for a job, it's most likely due to a bad interview, portraying themselves in a less than desirable manner...

    **Steps off soapbox** Thank you [...]