Neopet Battledome Item Acronyms / Pet Training Tips

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by twankies, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. twankies

    twankies Newbie

    Aug 15, 2008
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    I remember when I started getting into training my pet and buying a set. I also remember not knowing what half the BDC (Battledome Chat) was talking about when they used their abbreviations.. so here, I found this list of items that are usually abbreviated when talked about:

    AARG - Alien Aisha Ray Gun
    AFC - Air Faerie Crown
    AP - Attack Pea
    BFC - Black Frost Cannon
    BGC - Bony Grarrl Club
    BoCG - Box of Clockwork Grundos
    BoD - Bow of Destiny
    BoHD - Bag of Healing Dust
    BoK - Bracelet of Kings
    BoLHS - Bag of Lenny Healing Seeds
    BoMS - Bottle of Magic Sand
    BTM - Brain Tree Mace
    Bzzt - Bzzt Blaster
    CBM - Combo Battle Mirror
    CBT - Crisp Blue Tunic
    CS - Caustic Potion/Clawed Shield
    CSC - Cardboard Sprout Cannon
    CWoS - Cloudy Wand of Storms
    D! - Downsize!
    DBD - Dark Battle Duck
    DFC - Dark Faerie Collar
    DMB - Dusty Magic Broom
    DPP - Downsize Power Plus
    DSoD - Darigan Sword of Death
    ECA - Everlasting Crystal Apple
    ELL - Entangling Lenny Lasso
    EoDF - Eraser of the Dark Faerie
    EoE - Essence of Esophagor
    EWB - Enchanted Wooden Bow
    F-Pot or FP - Freezing Potion
    FAIB - Fire and Ice Blade
    FBD - Fiery Battle Duck
    FQD - Faerie Queen Doll
    Fray - Fungus Ray
    FSS - Faerie Slingshot
    FWoC - Frozen Wand of Crystals
    G-Bomb - Ghostkerbomb
    G-Shield - Ghostkershield
    G-Staff - Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie
    G-Sword - Ghostkersword
    GC - Glowing Cauldron
    GEB - Garoo Elite Blaster
    GFD - Glittery Faerie Dust
    GHR - Gelert Healing Remedy
    GHS - Greater Healing Scroll
    GLB - Grand Lightning Beam
    GoC - Golden Compass
    GSH - Green Sticky Hand
    H4k - H4000 Helmet
    HBT - Heavy Blue Tunic
    HoD - Halo of Devilpuss
    HP - Honey Potion
    HPB - Hubrids Puzzle Box
    HPS - Hand Painted Scarab
    HRoT - Heavy Robe of Thievery
    I-Staff - Illusens Staff
    IBD - Icy Battle Duck
    IEP - Illusens Earth Potion
    ILS - Iron Lupe Sword
    J-Wand - Jhudoras Wand
    J-Pot - Jhudoras Potion
    JDB - Jhudoras Crystal Ball
    JJP - Jittery Jipple Potion
    JSS - Jade Scorchstone
    K-Flour - Kacheek Flour
    KLP - Kacheek Life Potion
    LDD - Lost Desert Dagger
    LEV - Leaded Elemental Vial
    LRGoF - Lenny Ray Gun of Freezing
    M-pault - Meepapault
    M-Skull - Moehog Skull
    MM - Mud Mixture or Melting Mirror
    MMoM - Magical Marbles of Mystery
    MoC - Mask of Coltzan
    NCB - Noxious Carrot Blade
    P-Kiln - Portable Kiln
    PCC - Pirate Captains Cutlass
    PCH - Pirate Captians Hat
    PFF - Psellias Fighting Fan
    PPot - Prickly Potion
    RCG - Rainbow Clockwork Grundo
    RFC - Rainbow Frost Cannon
    RMB - Runed Maractite Bow
    RoDN - Rod of Dark Nova
    RoN - Rod of Nova
    RoSN - Rod of Supernova
    RotL - Ring of the Lost
    RoW - Ring of Weightlessness
    RSB - Ramtors Spellbook
    RSH - Rainbow Sticky Hand
    RWR - Royal Wedding Ring
    S-Gel - Sloth Approved Hair Gel
    S-Pot - Slumberberry Potion
    S-Ray - Sleep Ray
    SAF - Sword of the Air Faerie
    SAP - Seasonal Attack Pea
    SBD - Seasonal Battle Duck
    SC - Scuzzys Comb
    SFG - Skeletal Fire Gun
    Sks - Skarls Sword
    SoA - Sword of Apocalypse
    SoRF - Staff of Righteous Fury
    SoS - Sword of Skardsen
    SS - Scorchstone
    SSP - Steaming Skeem Potion
    SSS - Scarab Stone Slingshot
    SuAP - Super Attack Pea
    T-Ring - Tornado Ring
    TBB - Tiki Bomb Bag
    THC - Trusty Hand Cannon
    TSoD - Toxic Sock of Doom
    TT or T-Tear -Thyoras Tear
    TTD - Triple Turbo Dryer
    UBG - Ultra Bubble Gun
    UDR - Ultra Dark Reflectorb
    UDS - Ultra Dual Shovel
    WCN - Werelupe Claw Necklace
    WoDF - Wand of the Dark Faerie
    WoR - Wand of Reality
    WoTM - Wand of the Moon
    WS - Winged Scarab
    YBlast - Ylanas Blaster
    YSH - Yellow Sticky Hand

    If you are interested in training a pet, and dont know how to start like me.. theres a way to go.

    Your pet has six stats that change as you play the game: Level, hit points (endurance), strength, defense, movement (agility), and intelligence. I'm only going to focus on the first four here because any weapons that are affected by the last two are very expensive and apart from that both stats are useless in the battledome.

    First Things First
    The battledome isn't all about weapons. Training and faerie abilities also make a big difference in the battledome.

    Your pet has six stats that change as you play the game: Level, hit points (endurance), strength, defense, movement (agility), and intelligence. I'm only going to focus on the first four here because any weapons that are affected by the last two are very expensive and apart from that both stats are useless in the battledome.

    There are lots of ways to train your pet but the most reliable are the two training schools: The Academy on Krawk Island and The Training School on Mystery Island. Start with the Academy and keep going there until your cost in dubloons is more than it would cost with codestones or you reach level 40, whichever comes first. Remember you can only train abilities to 2x your level so be careful to train evenly of you'll get stuck and have to spend a lot of time on one stat later. I do recommend training all stats evenly at first and then training hit points as high as possible once you're happy with your strength and defense.

    These next methods are random so if you have more than one pet there is no guarantee that the stat will land on the right one. You can get random stat increases from Coltzan's Shrine so make sure to visit once a day. Kitchen Quests can also be rewarded with random stat boosts but make sure not to spend more on the quest than you would training. Terror Trove Scratchcards sometimes boost your pet a level if you win. Finally, if you're lucky, one of the faeries will give you a quest and reward you with a stat boost.

    You can also train with the lab ray but that is expensive, random, and can take away stats as well as change your pets' color, gender, and species. Some neggs also give stat boosts but they are generally very expensive.

    Now that you know how to train it's time to understand just how it works. A bigger number doesn't necessarily mean your pet will do more damage or defend itself better. Increasing levels is good for faerie abilities (as you'll learn below), getting the Berserk attack ability at level 50, and to continue training other stats. Strength and defense both increase in boosts, which means you have to hit a certain number before you can start doing more damage. Below is a list of when you get each boost and its damage/defense multiplier.

    0 - 0.5
    8 - 0.75
    13 - 1.0
    20 - 1.25
    35 - 1.5
    55 - 2.0
    85 - 2.5
    125 - 3.0
    200 - 4.5
    250 - 5.5
    300 - 6.5
    350 - 7.5
    400 - 8.5
    450 - 9.75
    500 - 11.0
    550 - 12.0
    600 - 13.0
    650 - 14.0
    700 - 15.0

    What this means is that once you hit 35 strength points you are doing 1.5 icons of damage for each icon a weapon can do. The same goes for defense. That means you can do 9 icons of damage with a six icon weapon, and so on.

    Get Sink, Burrow, and Drain Life the moment your pet hits the proper level.

    I find it a whole lot easier to train a pet when its the only one on my account, for reasons being that if I get a quest, im guaranteed for the stat upgrade to go to the pet I want trained. Also comes in handy when doing KQ's. This is basically what you need to know in order to begin training your pet.

    I did NOT make this, simply posted it here to help. I found the Acronyms on ninjaekaj's petpage, and the BD guide on Doughnut_Don's page.

    I looked for a guide like this with a list of BD item acronyms and could not find one, so if one does in fact exist, I'm sorry for writing this.
    I really hope this helps or answers any questions you may have about the Battledome. This guide is missing some stuff, I will probably update it soon. +rep if it helps!
    Thanks! :)
  2. II_warlord_II

    II_warlord_II Level III

    Aug 13, 2008
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    good guide, rep +
  3. ihateregister22

    ihateregister22 Level I

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Good job finding those guides and putting em' together! Those acronyms comes in handy at BDC.
  4. lazypando

    lazypando Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Nice guide. Belongs in Neopets Information though. Just fyi. :)
  5. Icegoten

    Icegoten Level III

    Aug 14, 2008
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    To add to your guide I recommend you train at the academy getting

    - To level 10 and STOP! Then start working on your HP,STR, and DEF until they are all maxed which should be 20 each.
    Train your level after they are max
    - To level 20 and STOP! Then start working on your HP,STR, and DEF until they are all maxed which should be 40 each.

    From there head on to the training school and go in the same pattern just stopping at 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, and 250
    The only risk is if you use other methods of training while your at those peak levels you will be wasting more money training unless you can go down a level which can be done with the lab ray or Count von Roo's Deadly Dice when you lose to him.
  6. twankies

    twankies Newbie

    Aug 15, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Thanks! :)
    I didn't see the that section =S I would of posted it there instead. =/
  7. CHticker

    CHticker Level I

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Now this is useful! I never know what those people are saying.
  8. gugubee557

    gugubee557 Level II

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Quebec City
    That's useful =)

    I'll bookmark it ^^
  9. marklyn72

    marklyn72 Level I

    Sep 27, 2008
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    thank you that is a great guide...most of the time i never know what people are talking about when it comes to abbreviations thank you again this will help out a lot +rep
  10. xiaodar

    xiaodar Level I

    Oct 8, 2008
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    nice guide but do you use up your stats with dubloons or codestones?
  11. bladeoftalwar

    bladeoftalwar Level IV

    May 20, 2007
    Likes Received:
    bookmarked this guide. thanks!

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