Pretty self-explanatory. Seen some on a few other forums. NF = God, so our programmers should be able to make one too. B)
I think this is a good idea, I know I am new, but I have looked around the program section, and saw Autobuyers, Score Senders, etc. So I think if someone could make one it would be a great addition.
Auto-adopters used to be around, with the old adoption Agency. I do not know if it'd work with this new one, it's not based on HTML as it used to be. And I don't know if the equivilant of the QAL is hanging around or not, I recall people having trouble finding it. Adopters used to just refresh on a link that was specific to the pet you were hunting, but without that link being known... it's all manual and luck so far as I can guess. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'd love to be corrected.
if anything it would be easier for a program, since any random joe could refresh the qal for the old pound format...all you needed was a refresher if you knew the pets name. This adopted would just have to keep viewing pets, and when it finds a color, click it and go to the adopt thing...i think this would be a good thing for greasemonkey.
Auto adopters are piss easy. You just need to edit the old auto adopters. the fact that is in java script is irrelevant. The only difference is that you post data rather than get data to adopt. View the page source and all you will see you need to do is a simple extractall.
Yes, an auto adopter is extremely easy. Like violent said, just extract all the names, colors, and stats into different arrays and compare them to lists you have users load... it's "piss easy"