
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by zach9051, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. assasin

    assasin Level IV

    Nov 24, 2007
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    All my relatives are very strict with this topic.(Its is because of these ppl such compulsions takes place)my thought.
    By the way no one forced me.(Even if i ate my parents will most likely wont bother) :nope:
    But i intend to be a vegetarian for the rest of my life too. :yup:
  2. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    I take my vitamins everyday :D
    I was a vegetarian for about 3 years. Ate tons and tons of salad. Then it got old and now I eat everything :p
  3. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Well there's consensus in the vegan/vegetarian "community" regarding diets for pregnant women and small children. A vegan or vegetarian diet can't be continued during the pregnancy or the childs first 10 or so years. After those 10 years the kid can live on a vegetarian diet, but not a vegan one.
    Unfortunately, there are always some rotten apples in the basket and I really hate to read about parents that have tried to keep their children on strictly vegetable diet resulting in the children getting really ill or even dying at times. :/
  4. zach9051

    zach9051 Newbie

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Obviously you have to put potential kids first. But I think that once they're out of their toddler years, when their bodies are better able to develop without animal products then it'd be fine for a child to go vegetarian IF THEY WANT TO. I mean, I'd love to see everyone give up meat. But that's never gonna happen. I do think that people should look into what they eat, the means of getting it from the barn to their plate (how the animal is treated, what it's fed, how it was killed, etc) and then decide if that's truly something they wish to continue supporting. Ya know?
  5. cameronCRUNK

    cameronCRUNK Level IV

    Feb 25, 2007
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    if chicken wasn't so damn good i would be vegetarian
  6. angelsgalore

    angelsgalore Level I

    Aug 6, 2008
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    I want to be a vegetarian but not sure if I can do it... any advice to motivate me to abstain from meat.
  7. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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    I donno

    In all honesty I don't agree with vegitarians. I mean nothing against you all but we are human. Our bodies are made for meat.

    We are omnivores by mother nature our ancesters evolved on meat and veggies.

    Why exclude something your body needs to survive.

    I know these days that there is so many wanys to survive vegitarian and tons of supplements and access to lots and lots of different vegetables.

    And people should be aware that the effects or vitamin and mineral deficiencies are not always easily apparent. It would take years before a problem arises.

    But I'm talking about simple anatomy and biology. Our eyes are in the front of our heads, we are predators. We have sharp teeth and evolved intestinal systems.

    I know alot of people do it for personal reasons. Because they cant stand to think of slaughter houses and inhumane treatment of animals and I am ALL for that. I only eat meat that is natural and free range from reputable sources.

    My eggs come from my own chickens (though I could never eat the chickens... I love them)

    I crave meat sometimes. If I go without it for more than a week or so I cant stand it.

    And I am completely against raising your kids like that. If you are not careful you could kill them and it has happened alot actually. Children are completely different from adults and need much more or less of certain things to grow healthy physically and mentally. But I know there are alot of careful and smart veggie people out there who could pull it off. But personally I think it should be a choice you make on your own.
  8. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    You're right, we have basicly eaten meat from day one. Does that mean that we should continue with it? I am going to put my arguments in numbered order because I am too tired to put it all in a long post, so I hope you don't mind. :)

    1. Man is a violent species. We have always been violent. If someone is calling my names, I might want to punch that guy in the face. I don't do that however, but according to your argument, that just because our species always have acted in a certain way, then we should keep at it, I should go ahead and punch this guy as hard as I can.

    2. Who has said anything about excluding something that we need to live? People have been vegetarians and vegans for ages and still live. Yes, some people have suffered malnutrition because of their vegtable diet, but do I need to remind you of all the diseases linked to excessive meat eating and all the studies that are saying that vegan (and vegetarian) diets help prevent many diseases? Prostate cancer: 9%. Atherosclerosis: 38%. Colon cancer: up to 50%.

    3. Again, most vegetarian and vegan parents does not raise their children on such a diet until their bodies are prepared for it. The ones who do that are just plain stupid. And there are many stupid meat eating parents as well. How many children today are obese? The number was 9 million. The reason? The Western diet filled with animal foods, high in fat and cholesterol.

    But of course, there are two times where a vegetarian (or vegan) diet should be avoided. The first is during the childs first years. And if you raise your child (once it has developed enough to live on a veg. diet) on such a diet, it is extremely important to know what they need to eat and how much of it. A close friend of mine has been raised on a vegetarian diet from when he was just a few years old and he's as healthy as can be.
    But saying that it's unfair to raise a child on a veg. diet? My parents didn't let me become a vegetarian at first. I coudn't eat with them because we couldn't cook food at the same time and I had practically nothing to eat except salad the first couple of weeks because they refused to let me becoma a vegetarian. But eventually, they caved in. The point is, a big part of the parent's job is to pass on their moral values to their children. If my child decide that he or she does wants to eat meat, then I'll have to accept that. But I can't sponsor their decision since it goes against all my own moral values. It's different between going starting to eat something and stopping it. I won't cook meat for him or her, but I'm not going to stop them from eating meat outside the home. Although I doubt they would do so, as their first steaks would make them throw up. It's actually hard to start eating meat if you've been without it for a couple of years since the body has stopped producing somethng that I don't remember the name of, but basicly you'll throw it up the first couple of times.

    The second time you shouldn't stay on a strictly vegan diet (and in most cases not even a vegetarian dietunless you have a really good worked out diet) is if you're pregnant, as it can cause insulin resistance in the newborn.

    And of course there are various conditions you may have that makes a vegan or vegetarian diet impossible, but in most cases the only real reason you have is that "meat is good". And if you can justify murder by referring to your taste well then you have succeeded in something I cannot.
  9. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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    I would like to ask, all the vegitarians... What is your blood type?

    if you know

    Im asking because One of my theorys and a few others as I have seen while researching this is that blood type can effect whether or not you are a succsessfull vegitarian.

    Again this might go back to our evolution and how certain groups grew up in places with abundane or lack of meat.
  10. omgmelson

    omgmelson Level I

    Feb 16, 2008
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    Actually a lot of vegetarians are still overweight / obese because vegetables don't fill them up or give them protein, so they eat carbs like french fries and white bread... pasta.
  11. Spit

    Spit Level II

    Aug 13, 2008
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    I went a few years without eating much meat. Like id have super thin slice ham once or twice a week but i wouldnt eat cheeseburgers or turkey or chicken for a long time.
    I couldnt stand the bloody meat either and alot of people got sick from food not being prepaired right.

    Eventually i started eating more meat but i still wont eat steak.
    But every time i think about the way the animals are killed or skinned for clothes it makes me wish i could do more about it.
  12. Theangeltyreal

    May 4, 2008
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    People might get a little mad on this post, so first and foremost, I'd like to post my credentials as to defer the "mmmm meat" stuff. Firstly I've studied and written a class thesis on the history and roots of vegetarianism, starting from our nearest descendants Homo Habilis and their split from the Gorrilini species.

    Now, many people argue that the animals closest to us, the gorillas, are mostly vegetarian and are alright. Well there is a slight difference in the tooth structure of the Gorillini tribe and the Habilis tribe, the canine teeth. They are only evident in meat oriented animals and are prominent on humans.

    Next, the stomach acid and intestinal tract in a human relates mostly to omnivores, plant and meat eaters. This, with the incredible lengths our livers and organs have evolved over time to absorb and dissolve meat show our increasing need for it.

    There is a lot more, but what I will end with for now, is that people that eat meat are usually healthier. USUALLY, the protiens in meat are more helpful to the human body and are naturally incredibly low in fat. Although many vegetarian people are healthy and do fine, it isn't the ideal diet for the human body physiology.

    Thanks for reading!:)
  13. dahero18

    dahero18 Level II

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Thunder Bay, Ontario
    i remember doing a science expriment on this, how the chain and the energy of food passed down through animals and what not, that if people were vetrenarians it would actually make more food for the world, not because we arnt eating meat, but we would get direct enegery from the scource


    sun -> plant -> cow -> humain


    sun -> plant -> humain

    less loss of energy