Rather disappointing of a game really. Felt rushed. The physics are excellent but they do not compensate for the lack of depth this game has (I played it for the 360). Story was short... I beat it on the hardest (available at the time.. you unlock another so.. technically 2nd hardest) difficulty, managed to get all the extra costumes and lightsaber crystals within 10 hours of gameplay. Replayability is rather grim. But for as long as it lasted, it was a good game. Much fun destroying with the full use of the force. IMO a solid rent. For ultra SW nerds like myself, I bought it on opening night. I shoulda brought my lightsaber XD
I agree on the rushed. I watched some friends play it and it resembled one of those games that I would play a few tournaments with and then get bored of it.
My friends got this and beat it in like 6 hours. That seems like way to quick of a story for me. Maybe I'll rent, but I won't be buying it. P.S. Sweet sig SirCharles :lol:
While I haven't played it, I've heard that the camera controls and combo system are kinda lacking as well. I was a bit shocked; this game looked really, really promising.