Make it safer to deal with unlegit NP

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by II_warlord_II, Oct 10, 2008.

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  1. II_warlord_II

    II_warlord_II Level III

    Aug 13, 2008
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    I figured some people who play with score senders these days may want to know a way of transferring the unlegit NPS into Legit NPS all without risking their main accounts so I am giving a guide in a few simple steps to tell you how to do so.

    Step 1: (Making the Unlegit NPS)
    So here is my advice for making NPS. Use the score sender to make about 200k per account you have. Send the scores on multiple accounts, up to 10, no more. Any more is just a cause to freeze you quickly. You need two e-mail addresses, use a free provider like Gmail, Hotmail, Live etc.

    Create up to 10 accounts and let the score sender run until it finishes, each account should have 200k+


    Now you should have up to 3,000,000 NPs

    Step 2: (Transferring the NPS to one Account)
    Now, here is where it gets tricky, I advise having more than one internet browser if you're going to follow this guide as it makes things a lot easier. I use Firefox and Safari. ALSO, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND DOING THIS IN WEEKENDS (duh..)

    So on one of the accounts you did the score sending on, once it's 24 hours old create trades and get the other accounts to trade their newbie pack item(s), (you only need one), and all the NPS to the single account. Then with all the NPS you have, buy ETS (Easy To Sell Items) like a Baby Paint Brush or any Paint Brush in general that is not available in the Shop Wizard.

    Once you have all the ETS ready, create another 5 accounts on a third e-mail address. Send the items to the first one and self ice ALL your game accounts as it's likely if so much as one score was reviewed they will all be chain iced (usually).

    [you can create 5 differently named accounts, on 5 different e-mail addresses on 5 different IP's. This will greatly reduce the chance of neopets tracking your actions or even bothering to try as it would look like the stuff had gone to multiple different accounts. It still remains that once you're done you must self-ice your accounts you cheated on if even 1 score was reviewed. High risk of freezing them no matter what.]

    Now, use a proxy or if you can reset your IP by resetting your modem (Switching off power and then back on) do so. Login to the first account you sent the items to and send them to another one of the 5 you created. Then self ice the account you just used as it is now in a link to your other accounts having recieved the items.

    Repeat the above process including resetting your IP or using a different proxy until you are down to your last of 5 accounts, by now the logs of TNT should be well and truly in a mess.

    On your final account I advise maybe a 1np Auction or putting the items in your store cheap so that TNT are thrown off the scent. Buy the items whichever way you prefer and then self ice the final account once they have made it to your account. Make sure the IP addresses of the Main account and your Fake transfer account are DIFFERENT.

    If you wish to check your IP before and after your atempts to change it via Proxy or the modem suggestion, use this site: it's accurate and very helpful.

    Freeze ALL other accounts

    Also, for transfering items, I can offer several ways of making it look more legitament. This honestly has worked a lot for me if not 100% of the time.
    When wishing to transfer items, run two different browsers if you can, 1 off your IP and 1 on a proxy to recieve the item. Create a neoboard in Help with a title such as "Giving away *insert items here*" Then put in that each person has to neomail you and you will randomly select one of the first 50 or so Neomail's to come through. Neomail with your proxy account and select it as the one you are giving to, this should keep TNT off your back easily.

    There is also another method, that is sending the item, and waiting some times, up to 4 hours to accept it and using different IP Addresses on each account. Then send a neomail from the account recieveing the item to the account that sent it, it should include a thanks for the item and say you're adding them as a Neofriend for their generosity. Only thing is, you're the person who was generous.

    Step 3: (How to get the Legit NPS)
    Now you have the items which have gone through several accounts, you need to get your NPS. It's simple, well really it is. Just sell the items to another User, since they are ETS like Paint Brushes they should sell quickly. Tada! You now have 100% legitament neopoints from using a score sender. Best of all, the Neopoints have made there way to your main account account without it getting frozen.

    Other Useful Tips
    IF you have some cheated NPs in your main. I suggest you to invest that NPs in Stock Market!
    That's right, It's called money laundering in the real world. In kiddies words, that means you're spending money you earnt illegally and gaining money that would seem to be legally earnt.
    vulcan3k, Dreamerz, Pippos and 4 others like this.
  2. fail

    fail Level IV

    Aug 31, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    Wow. Very Very Nice Guide :) +rep
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    Very, very nice guide. +rep. I'd maybe try to get this stickied as well.
  4. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    Sooo, this is just the standard "safe" method of using a proxied middle-account, applied 5 times over? :p
    Yeah, the unpractical part is the getting 5 intermediate accounts, all on different IPs.

    =/ If only we had an infinite number of good, working proxies... sigh...
  5. Kaito

    Kaito Level IV

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    *cough proxy grabber cough* :)
  6. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    I don't like the idea of "turning" unlegit to legit. Sure, this is safer, but it's not like every np is safe or unsafe- just exchanging the np won't make it safe. You can do all this and still be frozen. I'd say it may make the np safer in an exchange, but certainly not 100% legit. Legit nps are nps MADE from legit activities. Period. =)
  7. Asphodan

    Asphodan Level III

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    Not to throw this into a mess, this is a good guide... I just kinda feel like arguing and pointing out that once things start involving your items (The ETS you bounce about), it's incredibly easy for them to track down. They just look at the items' individual IDs, track them, and freeze anything they touch.
  8. mjnskivt

    mjnskivt Level III

    Aug 9, 2008
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    right behind you
    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    This seems like it would either work really well, or just lead to a large chain icing of all those different accounts.

    Personally I'm not willing to spend the time to set all that stuff up, especially since I can never ever ever find any decent proxies, but that's just me.

    Good guide though, I'm sure a lot of time and effort went into developing this strategy. :)
  9. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    You can't convert unlegit NP into legit NP. It's impossible. If you cheated to get NP, they will always remain unlegit no matter what. However, this guide can make it safer to deal with unlegit NP.
  10. II_warlord_II

    II_warlord_II Level III

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Re: Turning Unlegit NPS into Legit NPS Safely

    -_-" alrightie,master...

    I'll change the topic title
  11. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
    Likes Received:
    This is an awesome and damn useful guide. How do you give the original poster rep?
  12. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Press the [​IMG] button on the left of the post
  13. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Ah thanks for that.

    +1 Rep :)

    Please do not spam - Commy
  14. skier101

    skier101 Level I

    Oct 14, 2008
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    If your using the same list and sending it with the same accounts everyday wont that increase your freezing rate a bit?
  15. II_warlord_II

    II_warlord_II Level III

    Aug 13, 2008
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    yes, but usually, the IPs die pretty quick.

    so, that's why everyone having a problem finding the IPs that work...

    I use "Accessdriver" to find me an active IPs...
    so i can get them fresh whenever i like.

    there should be a guide on Accessdriver somewhere
  16. creatinetaker

    creatinetaker Level II

    Nov 16, 2008
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    amazing guide, very nice i have to say!

    Please just use the rep button - Commy
  17. woooot

    woooot Level II

    Nov 8, 2006
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    is score sender a program that play s all the games for u?
  18. neohacker

    neohacker Level I

    Jan 1, 2009
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    I used it and this method took waaaaaaaay too long.
  19. dolcegabbana

    dolcegabbana Level I

    Dec 12, 2008
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    Wow... I didnt know that the score sender gives 200k per account daily...

    *throws away the stupid ABer*
  20. widdget

    widdget Level I

    Feb 9, 2009
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    i dont understand why you would bother with the ETS items (especially if they can track the Item ID as someone said). why wouldnt you just set some bs food items up for sale on a fake account shop or trade and do it that way? moving NPs in that way is just numbers...they cant possibly track an individual NP. maybe shop sell to fake account #1, then trade to #2..

    is it just that the ETS items seem less suspicious when you sell them for 150 - 200k? it just seems like they would figure it out eventually by following the item trails.
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