Ladyhawke will always be my favorite. Altho I could always sit down and watch, Everafter, A Knights tale, 50 First Dates 100 times over as well.
50 First Dates was fabulous!!! My all time Fav has to be the first Predator that came out with Arnold S.
Hmm I will make a short list Fight Club The Usual Suspects Van Wilder: Party Liaison Really any hilariously funny movies, or thrillers because they have wicked twists in them
My favorite movie is Lord of the Rings. The way the film was made were fantastic. I love how real everything looks and it is just very entertaining. Plus a whole new world was created and it really came alive.
Favorite Movies: Shelter (Best gay themed movie ever. And it doesn't involve gay stereotypes.) Garden State (It was one of those movies that only certain people like!) Dark Knight (wonderful performance from the deceased Heath Ledger-RIP-) Batman Begins (Thrilling, and good plot despite a few removed info) Stepmom (Classic, makes you cry) City of Angels (WOW! Angel gives up his immortality to a human he loves) If I had to chose it would have to be Stepmom ~it made me cry *sniff* *sniff* ~
Santa Sangre, A Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs, El topo... If had to choose one, it would be Santa Sangre (Alejandro Jodorowsky)
I have to admit that The Dark Knight was entertaining.. My favorite movies contain lots of violence and blood Kill Bill, 300, etc. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was also awesome.
Mrs. Doubtfire or the Kill Bill series. It's a toss up. Doubtfire keeps me laughing while kill bill keeps me amazed at all the bloodshed lol. All are amazing.
My favorite new movie is Fido. It's about a world where zombie's serve humans. In fact, the main character Fido is the "pet" of a boy. They even play fetch. It's pretty much the non scariest b movie ever and I freaking love it. I'm also getting it for my boyfriend for xmas. My favorite movie of *all time* is Boondock Saints for many, many reasons, the primary one being many people I know including myself have been wronged badly and the people that hurt us *should* get the living hell beat out of them. There's also a lot of very funny stuff happening, very cool action scenes, & very hot Irish men.