I've tried posting in the Downloads section, but the time I've done it I don't seem to get answers (at least not as quickly as I do here) So, my problem is: It keeps saying that there is no more jobs, then it says: I will look again in: 3 seconds or something.. And then nothing happens D:
If there are no more jobs, that means they have all been taken. You'll have to wait till the next restock. The jobs restock every ten minutes after the hour. So the program checks every now and then, until the jobs appear on the job list. Then it will complete it for you. Unless you're saying, that you know there is a job there, but the script isn't recognising it?
well.. I kept the script running for .. a long time. and it said: Found the current neopets time: 5.55.02 So, the next jobs listings will be at: 5.60.00 So; the next job listings are in: 4 minutes,58 seconds So, I will look for a job at the agency in exactly: 298 seconds and when the time has passed, then it says: Refreshing now.. No more jobs left Found the current neopian time: 5:59:58 So, the next jobs listings will be at: 5.60.00 So; the next job listings are in: 0 minutes, 2 seconds So, I will look for a job at the agency in exactly: 2 seconds and it does that EVERY time. No matter how long I keep the script running. Nothing happens after that..
well it could be that the job now refresh 10 seconds before the minute, so if the jobs are suppose to refresh at 4:40:00 they refresh at 4:39:50 and usually by the time its 4:40:00 all the jobs are already taken in those 10 seconds, maybe if the script is ran through scar you can change it to refresh earlier.
I personally don't have the job completer because its one of the only things on neopets i actually do myself but I know with scar it will have some bold writing with something saying Begin if you scroll down under that and read the script you may be able to read something that says like restock=660 seconds for 10 minutes and you might be able to change that to 652 and then i believe you will defiantly get a job. Also there are some scar help thread as to creating your own scripts I think if you read into that it will help you create your own scripts as well as edit other ones. Lastly: next time i believe a thread like this you should create in the program discussion section.
hmm it definitely shouldn't do that every time.. sounds like something might have changed on neo and the program can't pick up the jobs any more. I'll check it out
Expon any way that you can change the program to refresh at the 50 second instead of on the minute or does that already do that?